Literature | High school » Worksheet for The Great Gatsby, Chapter IV.

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Worksheet for The Great Gatsby, Chapter IV (8 points, 1 point per question) Name: Period: Chapter IV (Four) 1. What two actual pieces of physical evidence make Nick re-think his judgment that all of Gatsby’s stories about his life are lies, and make him begin to think maybe Gatsby is telling the truth? (66-67) A of himself in Trinity Quad when he was at University, and a war made of metal (and which was slung on a ribbon) that was apparently awarded to him by the people of Montenegro. 2. What are at least two inconsistencies or pieces of evidence that Gatsby is lying about his past? List at least two specific pieces of evidence: what Gatsby says, how he says it, etc. (65) When Gatsby talks about where he went to college, he Gatsby says he is from the Mid-West, but later says he is from the city of 3. How does Gatsby get out of having to pay a speeding ticket, and from who did he receive the thing he uses to

get out of paying the ticket, and why did that man send Gatsby this thing, according to what Gatsby tells Nick? (The thing Gatsby has is NOT a photograph.) (the answer is contained in something that Gatsby says to Nick, and it’s the last piece of dialogue on page 68) Gatsby shows the cop a white from the police , for whom he was once able to . 4. What does Wolfsheim probably do for a living/job? (He is NOT a dentist) (73) 5. Why does Wolfsheim show Nick his human-molar cuff buttons, and then immediately comment that Gatsby was careful about women and would never so much as look at another man’s wife? What’s the implication about how and why Wolfsheim got his cuff buttons? (72) That some man once at Wolfsheim’s , and as a result, Wolfsheim decided to to make an example of him so no one else would ever dare do that. The cuff buttons are his ‘trophies’ and serve

as an intimidating example of how dangerous Wolfsheim is. 6. Why is that statement (about how Gatsby would never look at another man’s wife) ironic? 7. What are two reasons why Daisy married Tom Buchanan instead of Jay Gatsby? (75) Tom was while Jay was poor, and as an enlisted soldier in the American army, Jay had to and she didn’t want to have to wait for him to return. 8. What favor does Gatsby ask of Nick (through Jordan)? (78-79) To so that he (Gatsby) can “coincidentally” ‘drop in.’ Worksheet for The Great Gatsby, Chapters V-VI (7 points, 1 point per question) Name: Period: Chapter V (Five) 1. What symbolic object does Gatsby accidentally almost knock off Nick’s mantle? (86) 2. What moral values or priorities does Daisy show when she cries into Gatsby’s extremely expensive designer shirts? That is, what does she clearly love (besides Gatsby

himself)? (92) Chapter VI (Six) 1. What is Gatsby’s real given birth-name (before he changed it) and what state is he originally from? (Spelling counts for this answer.) (98) His given, legal name was , from the state of . 2. Who brought the young man who’d later become “Gatsby” on board his yacht and gave “Gatsby” his first taste of ‘the rich lifestyle’ that “Gatsby” did eventually obtain? (98-100) 3. “Gatsby” did not end up receiving the $25,000 inheritance that was willed to him by the man who’d shown “Gatsby” this rich way of life on his yacht; who got the money instead? (100-101) [her first and last name], who was the most recent of the wealthy, yacht-owning mentor of the young man who eventually re-invented himself as “Gatsby.” 4. At Gatsby’s party, what does Daisy say to Tom that shows she knows that Tom cheats on her? (105) “Go ahead and if you want to

.” 5. How does Gatsby feel about the party; that is, what is his main concern? (109) Whether or not