Literature | High school » Lord of the Flies, Literary Crossword Puzzle

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L I T E R A R Y C R O S SWO R D P U Z Z L E Lord of the Flies 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Across Across 3. The island is a[n] ; it symbolizes the world. 3. The island is a[n] ; it symbolizes the 7. How many of the boys vote for Jack as the new leader? world. 7.isHow many of the for Jack as like the a[n] new formation shaped 8. The beast believed to live in aboys rock vote leader? . 8. The beast is believed to live in a rock formation 9. The “beast shaped from air” like is actually the remains of a[n] . a[n] . 9. The “beast from air” is actuallyofthe remains of 10. Ralph and Jack disagree over the importance . a[n] . 11. The twins’ 10. nickname Ralph and Jack disagree over the importance of . kills Simon chants, “Kill the ! Cut 12. The group that 11. Spill The his twins’ nickname his throat! blood!” 12. The group

that kills Simon chants, “Kill the 15. One theme ! of the novel is the . Cutloss hisofthroat! Spill his blood!” 15. One theme of the novel is the loss of 17. Jack is the and Ralph’s eventual rival . (2 words) 17. Jack is the and eventual (2 words) 18. Even PiggyRalph’s calls Simon’ s death rival. a[n] . 18. Even Piggy calls Simon’s death a[n] 20. Ralph says, “[T]he are the only thing we’ve got!” 20. Ralph “[T]he are the only 21. Who suggests that says, the boys find the beast from air? thing we’ve got!” 24. The both represents 21. Who suggests that the boys findhope the and beast from civilization.air? (2 words) 24.a[n] The represents both 25. Jack has tied and beaten. hope and civilization. (2 words) 26. The naval officer believes the boys were 27. Ralph believes his will

rescue them Down 1.Down At first, Ralph spends most of his time in the . 1. At first, Ralph spends most of his time in the 2. The island is shaped like a[n] . . The island is shaped like a[n] 3. 2 The conch is used to call the boys so . there can be a group 3. The conch is used to call the boys so there can . be a group . Ralph wants the shelters, but Jack . wants 4. 4 Ralph wants the shelters, but Jack wants . 5. 5 A stick at both A stick at ends both ends 6. The boys use the to indicate 6. The boys use the to indicate whose turn it is to whose turn it is to speak. speak. 8. Jack and Ralph are described as “two experience and feeling, unable 8. Jack and Ralph areofdescribed as “two of experience tofeeling, communicate.” and unable to communicate.” 10. Roger wants to offer Ralph’s to the 10. Roger wants to offer Ralph’s

to the beast. beast. 13. The boys’ situation is compared to the adults’ 13. The boys’ to the adults’ war. situation is compared war. 14.14 Who firstfirst sayssays that the comes from thefrom sea? the Who thatbeast the beast comes sea? 16.16 The boys wearwear on theiron faces to faces obtain to “liberation The boys their into savagery.” obtain “liberation into savagery.” The destroy the sandcastles built 19.19 The destroy the sandcastles built by the younger by the younger boys. boys. 22. Who says, “I’m not going to play any longer Not with you”? says, “I’m not going to play any longer. Not with you”? 22. Who 23. Despite his later violent actions, Jack initially hesitates to kill a[n] . www.prestwickhousecom L I T E R A R Y C R O S S WO R D P U Z Z L E Answer Key Lord of the Flies Across 3. The island is a[n] ; it symbolizes the world. [MICROCOSM] 7. How

many of the boys vote for Jack as the new leader? [NONE] 8. The beast is believed to live in a rock formation shaped like a[n] . [CASTLE] 9. The “beast from air” is actually the remains of a[n] . [PILOT] 10. Ralph and Jack disagree over the importance of . [HUNTING] 11. The twins’ nickname [SAMNERIC] 12. The group that kills Simon chants, “Kill the ! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” [BEAST] 15. One theme of the novel is the loss of . [INNOCENCE] 17. Jack is the and Ralph’s eventual rival. (2 words) [CHOIRLEADER] 18. Even Piggy calls Simon’s death a[n] . [ACCIDENT] 20. Ralph says, “[T]he are the only thing we’ve got!” [RULES] 21. Who suggests that the boys find the beast from air? [SIMON] 24. The represents both hope and civilization. (2 words) [SIGNALFIRE] 25. Jack has a[n] tied and beaten. [LITTLUN] 26. The naval officer believes the boys

were . [PLAYING] 27. Ralph believes his will rescue them. [FATHER] 1 2 L 3 A 7 N 10 H E U U O N O N T N D R G 13 A 20 M I U 17 C L L E A R E S R E T I N O O C O 9 N G 14 P I 21 S E R C I V A 25 L 12 B L I L O E A S T E P A I D M O N T T N 15 A T N E R N 24 L E I N T T I C P 16 B S M 8 G H C 4 O S A T 11 N 5 L E A M N E O C E N C C C I D A 22 S I U N G N J A C 26 K P 27 F Down 1. At first, Ralph spends most of his time in the . [LAGOON] 2. The island is shaped like a[n] . [BOAT] 3. The conch is used to call the boys so there can be a group . [MEETING] 4. Ralph wants the shelters, but Jack wants . [MEAT] F A A R P O I E N N C H E N I R E L A Y I T H E R 23 L C H S 18 6 S P G E D T 19 B I G U N S G Across Down 17. Jack is the and Ralph’s

eventual rival. (2 words) [CHOIRLEADER] 18. Even Piggy calls Simon’s death a[n] . [ACCIDENT] 20. Ralph says, “[T]he are the only thing we’ve got!” [RULES] 21. Who suggests that the boys find the beast from air? [SIMON] beast. [HEAD] 13. The boys’ situation is compared to the adults’ war. [NUCLEAR] 14. Who first says that the beast comes from the sea? [PERCIVAL] 16. The boys wear on their faces to obtain “liberation into savagery.” [PAINT] 19. The destroy the sandcastles built by the younger boys. [BIGUNS] 13. Theisland boys’ is situation is comparedit to the 23. Despite laterRalph violentspends actions,most of his time in the 3. The a[n] ; symbolizes the 1. his At first, 5. A stick at both ends world. . [LAGOON] adults’[MICROCOSM] war. [NUCLEAR] Jack initially hesitates to kill a[n] [SHARPENED] 7. How many of the boys vote for Jack as the new 2. The island is

shaped like a[n] . [PIGLET] 14.leader? Who first says that the beast comes [NONE] [BOAT] 6. The boys use the to 8. The beast is believed to live in a rock formation 3. The conch is used to call the boys so there can from the sea? [PERCIVAL] indicate whose turn it is to speak. shaped like a[n] . [CASTLE] be a group . [MEETING] [CONCH] 16. The“beast boys wear onthe their 9. The from air” is actually remains of 4. Ralph wants the shelters, but Jack wants faces to obtain “liberation a[n] . [PILOT] into . [MEAT] 8. Jack and Ralph are described as 10. Ralph and Jack disagree over the importance of 5. A stick at both ends savagery.” [PAINT] “two of experience . [HUNTING] [SHARPENED] and feeling, unable to communi19.The the sandThetwins’ destroy 11. nickname [SAMNERIC] 6. The boys use the to indicate 12. The group that kills Simon chants, “Kill the whose

turn it is to speak. [CONCH] cate.” [CONTINENTS] castles built by the younger boys. ! 8. Jack and Ralph are described as “two [BIGUNS] Cut his throat! Spill his 10. Roger wants to offer Ralph’s blood!” [BEAST] of experience and feeling, unable thenot novel is the lossany of to communicate.” [CONTINENTS] to the beast. [HEAD] 15 22.One Whotheme says, of “I’m going to play . [INNOCENCE] 10. Roger wants to offer Ralph’s to the longer. Not with you”? [JACK] Get Free Classroom Resources THE ENGLISH TEACHER’S FREE LIBRARY When we ask teachers what they want, they always say, “free stuff for my classroom.” Look no furtherthe new English Teacher’s Free Library is loaded with free eBooks, lesson plans, posters, and puzzles that are ready for your classroom. Visit: www.prestwickhousecom/free-library www.prestwickhousecom