Content extract
Macbeth by William Shakespeare: A Knowledge Organiser Macbeth A 10y01,V(Jffl0f wno o.come, ot:iseuo V:n :ne ,,.ttches prophecies of powe, Lady Macbeth b-egirln,ng bvtlore.$chetconttol bythe e nd Banquo Mocbe:h"scie!e tra nd ondoJywhooi!o ,ece·ves p,opheC::S ftom rtie .Wchesc Ouncan Moebe·h s ,we ,vno dr.Vi!s tis ombltJcn ln the ~ 01 Se:ottond o· 1ne lHQ-JWVIQ 01 tM J)SOy ,vttois pomoyedoscmongo.nd retp ec1ed Jeode r. t.oyot F-eo,soM4l V"IO!•n: AmbittovJ Con:emptottve Ovpkiiovs, l}TO.nrieol Emosc~te W e o~ Oe:l#CVS Fsy-ehotic, Ouoistic, i:gicidot Act3 Boriqvo t>egltu 10 M9~ Moct>e,l"I for :he Mf.lilder ol ,::;,-g 0,ne-on ond Moco4Hh in ~ l••ls: :hcu Bonqvo reveo thot i1 woJ he rhottiled •M ~ . The!e fo,e, Mocbe thtends oursone thUgs ,omurde• Bonquc ond hisson Aeonce BonquoEs: murdere<I, but Aeon.ce e:scooe-; Mocce:u, tody Mocoeti, l ennox Ross, oncl o:hedo!ds ortend o bonque t The ghoricf Sonqvo pre!en•s i:sert ·oMoeoen,. Mocta·h
ogins to rollt ond rov• moting tf"• orM,~tu vcikly Lody Macbeth~,: ;ocov,vp the st1Qt)On bysoYJ,Q MocM:htS p,otNt to t7rs. 8y the end of :Ws Act teom :hOr Mo.ech11f hOl not ohe~ed the bo~v~t be-cov,e M has gone to Eng!ond, k>o~ fo, h-elp becotl!e he i! !.JSpicious cf Macbeth .Foi ~elp~ted, Noive TMting, Hoppy, Joty, JolfoL Opf",mS?ic„ M eek,. Moroi PongloSSX!n A brove,,.OmotwhoiUoyol:oCXmeon ond r, Emo:k>nol Cot.itogeous S:rong"Med R:lgh:eov, J!Jrice coru-Ste ntfy .ruspiciov! cl Mocb--eth orie n:ied , fOC1.1Sed, Oef°celOte, Hetcic„ Respcns;ve lntutiv e Malcolm Ouneon s !.OfOncl r:e)(l in line ro rhe ttltotte Norv• (o: &s,J, °Qtifíed Hon.~ Svipid,ovs, Oev•r 8,,ove Pri!.x°Ne, Ooe n-ma,ded The Three Wltches Por.,oyed-01 of no-vre ;Jiot :otno.v ;hc tvture ond ote fO:.Scinot:ng ro Moebeth ••m Act2 Mocbefhogoln hos som e d-oobfs {ond v:sioru:J bui he !Ob hiirrualifuo fo&o,.,~ rtvoughwiththetnufdet Mocbe thisso scoted Lody M
ocbett, mvs1 frish ti.e rest ol the pon bywfp~ obod on tM! drurk gu,ord; The nexf moming Mocdvtt ond l eonnox Offlve or MocbethSOnd MoCdl.lff d!$CovM lhedeod bOdyol (;n; O,,ncon, ~guo,cb: oreimMediotefyMpK1$ Ond Mo:bitth~ rhem.tAo!:coimond Oonolboin rhe ~ s tons ee-e rheoonle beeovse rf",eyote ofroid rhot rheyvllbe®med for di,e tnufde,of the .rloite, The k:r,gfs soonbvried 8rove. Loyol D:p!omotie VlffuOUS Mtandly lrwghttut Anvte Stve.vd, Sce ptko App,eh efmve cynco1 Macduff f~• Act 1 This Ac.t op•ns ·w ifflth•tl"-,••W•:td Si,-,~ s•ttir,,g:1,19 ·t--e aniir-e :~meot ;"-pk!Y F-oris fout Ond f011 is fo:1 A worii 10:in; pio<e ogo.nst Scor10nd ( the se-t i ~ of the ploy) ond No,,voySeo,ICnd is ,;eror:ous- due :o the voSon: effons of Macbeth Tha rt0itotQVS Thone of Cowdctis copt.tte-d ond exe-cvted King Ovncon rewc!d-s Mocbethwfth ttee füle cf Thon-e cf Cowdc! The dvee We td Scrteri confron1 Mocl)9thond Bonquo, se I,,g M-ceb•tht-.othe ,,il bec:ome-
Thone of Cowdo, Glomis ondeventvaly lcing, Moi:t>e,hsoon lea,ru: 01 his Mwt+ti.hifang rbl &tt porrof ·~ p,"Opll,esyond setlds ,vor<:1 rohis „ytfeQ,n,::on ok>ns on n oyrQ!he night o· Moebettuconle in lnvetn4!SS, Lody M ocbe1hre-:-eiv e1 ti)e. newsond imme dknefy plotUh,e d e-othof JGng Ovncon to h-e, hvsbond ,vitbe Mg. LodyMocbe thmcni~te,: MocbethintololoNinghet pk,ru ond he reluctontly ogre-es toOUderDuncon 8y th• •nd ol ~1 i. Moü,e:há de:♦rmned to Jolow th,ovgh w •h ;h,e ;,Ion Sycophonric, tv1oripu!or.v• P•riuosiv• Ambi1t0vi SilOfIQ Rvth!ess., Se nrool Subven:ve„ Oominont, A c ~n,e d , Powe .Jvt, Wifful ~~~e Pu,pe-:e M A--:ilCl,;c, $initte,, Ev Sv~fUlO uneor::iw. Eefe Loud P,o p.he:ic ,vr: Cryp1ic, MotipiAotive Omti:sef.em Act4 lambic Pent ameter The nobt-e ehotoc·ers mos:tyspeot;:,, urvhymecl ,Ombk. perrome:er, P:-e thit: oo-OUM, bo•OUM, bc>OUM. t>o-OUM boOUM lt s moi• COtnn"lCft in ~ poe:,y. lt dotftl t thyme ,vhieh
i! why~•!re feh ed to os blonk Yef!.e fi :etld! foeonnoi e p0,Ve, eenttOl stonnond outholry Trochaic tetrameter 1,oc.hoic: :•;,o,n,e:eris o myr~ potte,r 11·0: c0Ni11 or rour ·t,O<he• s· p- íne 1; sounds IJ:e :t,;i: CUM<lo, OUM-do. D-UMcfo 0-UMcfo TM Wi•ches rpeaic: in ·tis ve,se, moléng • sOUl"d • on e-ert-e chon:•i,,g e .gDOUb te DOUbe , TOJLond TROUbfe I FJr~ SURN ond CAU!Oton BUbbte Prose e~~ OI JMO~wtio lo« no:vs. otttn speot ín ~st,o-, ed p,ose ,~••·• ;tt•m o,oo, ftoffl rhe notH eho.rcc-ie rs Tt-Me cho,oc-!ef! otten d:!evss l:r,vond bo!e eorue nt sueh O! sexond d e bouehe,y! Soliloquy ni.seore sp•ech•s b:,• Ot•yo~ meont tobe heord o,n,yby;,-, olld::ne• They · elvs dfreo,tyobov1 o choto-ete,.s though:s ond letftgs ond th•yore veryimcoron1 in Mocbe:h t>ecovse we conunde,stoncl ex:oetJyv.OOtisgoing ·htoog h o choroctefs mind tr-. Symbol ism Oead chldren üghl/ Dot~ ni.e tmog,e of ~ood tvnJ tl-rough the ~y ooth t
te,ofy onct imogi,"-ed 8IOod comes to symbot.:!e MocoethsgroWJ"!Qgvlll ond d o!lO oremnd~of mon s mcno1yllood, c, men.nruoticn, rep,esents Lody Macbeth ·srefe ctk;n cf t-,e, fe lTW"linty - h-et wcmonhood n-.i,: ,o•ft,1,1 vnp1•01,0n: :Mm•hos ,wo t:M,lrpOl•t "1t1y, 1t symbofs•t holv lotnlyfnet COM4 ro on end. ln ,tis cos:e Mocbe-rh f,ie!, to e~Uish :he fomiy lines of h<s ene~ r tenWXh us cf the shoclmg d epths to whích Mocinthoiows hirru.alf ·o fol Seconcr+y, h Npporls fhe I.IN"IOt""°:mtu of lodyMocba:h"sr•iectton of, owncomi:>omon0:e orid mo:ernot ;nstinc:s, Simply pJt. lghf i! U!,ed ro re pre::entgood~ss god~ess ond o l rlvtgs moce,t ond Pl,Me Dorxneu cotries tt-e opl)OifteCQnnototions: e vl betl"OyQ deoth. Social, Historical and literary Context Mocbeth:: The Ploy Shokespeore , S,cottond (ond Engtond) s.lt1 in tlle supernotut"of Thepot is oori/ybo!.ed on foet Moebethwosoteot 11C king whore3gned Seoriond
iYom 10-40-1057 Shoke::peo1-e ·s ven.On of thenoryorignotei lrom ,he Chtonicles ol Hoinshed o weUno,vntiuorion The play wa, writh,n in 1606- th• yeo•ohe, ·h•C.mOOvde,P,01 ol 160S--oncl r•~iets th,e Wlac:uri~ ot JocobeOJ polties. Q.reen Eiiabeth l efed ín 1603, ond ~g Jome;: Vl of Sootcnd woscrcwred ~ Jom$ l of &,giorcl Wo~nw~••nrfety~., th•Powerof t~tlcirbOnds $ p-e~woswktespreodond on~ywas o &egititno1e sclenee. tn.Shoi:-e1,pe0„e·s írgk,nd„ onxtetyobout wttct,c,oh ond oe~ef ín mogic ond the sv;,emolllOI Wefe not Crni-ed to :M &o,v.-,o,uMdi-coC:kt CloJjes, Whle ltitlg, ot Sco:SOnd James V1 become v-::elfyconvrtced Moc~thcordrona :-he ttl,ff W•i-d Scr;e,s Ond :hoeyshowtitn ,no,evWofu. ~ ~ leOd Mocbeth tO bl-Sev-e thol he COMO: be tz.ed byony mon g,"ving ~ o fo~ !eru:e ol seeim1y He rhen pk)ru: to ! e nd mJlder~ :o rhe c:ostle ot M ocduff (vho& in Cr,gk,ndt n o,ro-, tol::vl M f~ m;ly. M eo~ . Mo~d11ff U in ü,g,oncf b e ~ Mo:<:aolm
~oretvm toS-eot!ord ond ~~e rhe fhtone !rom tAoc~tl vhoho1 bK01TM9 o :-y,ont, Mok-ofm teits Mocd11ffs k)yolty :oScot.ond ond hirru-e fond olter~il"g sord&cf w ith MoeduffJ r•sOOt!•1. M og,41•s towoge wo,ogoilst Mocbe:h MokO:m s vnc!e , Stw0td , ~ olSooki Íf"I :h• ouoele Lody M acbeth ho; f.noly gcw-e mod w ·h gv1~ ov~ the murden The once- ;trong ond Mhte u womon Gnowo iCO!ed chld OoctQl1 o,e VftOble roPtepMf, Sorne of ·PleSc:orrrJh lords or•diKvS.sing Mocberhs ro;eol rrind ond c.oM♦ ror~ c-onelus.Qt rho, they~ h~o Mo!Comond Mceduf1 figh• ogors, Mocbe:hOf co-,,n, Moeee,rhi!n t rect"Y eonee ~ beeovse he oe<ev.e:: the pro,ph,ecy enn,,es thot h-ecoN"Ot b e ki:W byony mon bom of womon Mocbeihsoo,, cc"1fron*s 01 Ovnsinone. MoccMf ond lectN thot tAcedvff w01 ttpped from his: mothefu:.cfe ond no? oom notvroJy Mccbethond Mccdvff fight ond the not,llOlOt<l•ris r•ta,,•d by ;h,e •ld of ·~ o;oy, t,o,·• Act5 Key conc epts and
themes: Think about . Masculinily, femininilyand ldentily Tti.• Greot Choin of Being ot•,k: , ~ ~"Chw:OI rr,,JC:vt• ol o l rnon•ror)d í!e, beS~:ohove b e.en dec,,eed byGod dom:noted E:oberhon ber-e fs DMne right toys thot o Monorch is not rubJeci to eorthlycnrlhotity. ond thot the yhove the rfght :orfe óir-ecrty from the- w llof God 1he cc1ioncl ~ o (ing is cc?ed regicióe, Ov•r ond overOQ07n in Mocb•rh. chorocr-,s dlseuss OI debo:ecioov=: tnonhood: lody Mocb•:hcholel">Q*S Mocberh A-hen he deeideJ no~ :o 1i:i1 Ovncon. Bonquo ,~M-es toioin Moebe:hlf"l hís plo: Lody Mocdvtt civemont Mocdutfs d e:oi1.ion rogo toEngloL"d e tc Jtrovgh the!e cho!enges Mocbeihquest~ond exomines monhood ·tse f Doeso tNe mcn toke whot he wonrs no moae, Whot it G? Or doe1. o reoJ mcin hove ,ne rlre ng1h torecrtodl tis d!ttires? tody Moebethsvb~s th• •xPkro:ion ol ""ihotis•wos ro be o womon: o l n ~• to oc-e•p• m.r tr1• ~•nt t• t Order,
Oisorder, lnversi on and Conflict lhe Qby NbVK-l !hit tIOflifOI Otder ot the NOl4. M0cbe:th"s octicl!-$ o,e boJttd Ofl O N0elrIOfaO ~~· in O propt-ecy, lt dep;e:s on onorchk: w~: MOC04thin:v.,-tr :i-Otder cf ,oy0I NCC:euJon: hls wUe Ír"vers ~h4t po:1orehol h;e,o,ehy: rhe unnotJfal wor,d Ö.:!Npts · he noturo! TiiJ d"wp·ion uf")dero!t! tha cottllc· thot d not ctity extemdot!d VOem , out iruemo1 o s Macbeth ond ru wi:fe oottl-e to obsotb ""-hot they t-.ove done The Natural, Unnalural and Supernalural Order ln m ed3evol r:tne-s. it wos bet"eved tho! the hec1h ot o ccuntry wo! d ~ectly t eioted t e ,he goodne:ss ond morol !:egrfim ocy ot ifs ~ . ltfl-e J:ingwo1good ondjutt, thenthe nofionwouldf-Qve good horver,ond goodweo"her l f rherewoJ poi"ricoJ Otd•r. tt•en rh♦rewovdOncrn,1,ol etdet, Mocberh#IO-v, :hí:s c~f)On be:-weentle oo6tico1 ond noturol world:NhenMocberhdisJupu rhetocklJ ond poi!kol o,derbymUtdefing Ouneon ond vsuroing
,tte rhrone. notvre goes hor,.:le lncte<:1-ole stOtm:S ,oge tte eorth tre mo!S otvnO!s go iruone: ol<I eot e och other The unna~ evgnf5of :he physicol wof.d gmphoJliie the hon-or of M0ccethond Lody Mocoeth,0::#1 ond mi,ro,s ·l-e worping of souts by ofrfS•>Ot!. ·ne~ Ambition, Hubri sand Power Moc.b~thi o J)k)yobout omb?kin,vnornot Th~ w-eldúter pro~~, iovr oo·hMot:bethocl LodyMocbeth:ot,y rofviB n,errombi,?.om blJ• rMwkcM-sneV4tr moie Moi:be·morM •wif♦ doonYTtwIQ , Mocbe:hollod his , llreoct on ol.-n~oflilJ rhe)cleepande sír,M Mocbeth shtfbfi;s ovetlvheínuhtmond hé ~cmese mUldeing po,ondc:I morioc Locly Mocbe tt,, once she b egitts to cut into octioro the once-hidden thooghh cf he,, mínd, is ctJsh-ed by guit. Both Mocbethond Lady Mocbethwont fo 0-e grecrt ond powerlvf., ond soerifc-9 th-eit ~ toocii•ve thot QOOl Good. Evi l and lnsanily MocC-ethond m ,v:f: hove i:ochom:e be rwe engoodond e W. The:r evioctklru Ole ohenvieweclosmodn-esr cenonly theyboth
svtte, ftom o po,onoid psychosis o, o conseqve«ce ol fhe:I oetions. The ,vi1ch-e: ore fh• inc:omotion ol e vJ ond rnoyt:>e aen o.s „Pt•t•nting evt in hc.imon ncmire, Evi chO!Oiet•ri o,e ,outn-,Yfvxtopo,•cl Oyvnu-ou, one, ruch O! Bonquo Duneon oru:I Moed~f. cbout ,,t.a,~ c a yohvC•cheooh end lt:Sfae t do"9a, roWM, !eod;g to r,iots ,hc:11bagonfl l i9l M"Ocb4ithis OM ot Sho~esp-eo,e ·, Trog.-dies ond folo"vs i;>4tcifc corwen:ions ihe cimox trun: •nd itl o u e mendou, eoton.roph-e invoMng th•deoth ot tM moil choroctfH: · he choroc•e,•s d-oth is eowed by thff own r,ow(t ) (ho morfioJ; ye ,, the<:horocre, ho:: rome thir,.g the a,,cfence eon ident,ly with The Gre-ot Choin ot hing/ lhe DM1e Right of lings w• Trust, Belrayal, Guiltand Rejection n,.~ ·tt• Olncon :111:s tr-. wrong, M♦nWith~1:,o,it c~sequ•n:•s Macbeth tM:-s the WiteheS ond u:mot,etyt,,Ydtstroy Nm. lodyMocbe:hmoripukl· a-i ~ hvseond1 :lI!· ond bothore
t0tmen~e-dby•,-~j, own~ofld drivenfo rt,-H cloom. öenite d Oythei- mvniense of :::n Mocbe thond Mwife 1~ecc; the~ p{oce WI tttewotfd d eS3ousolo greotet stotion. Lody Mocbe:th rejec:s her womonhoo:I ond het sovt os she borgo:nJ ,,Mh•f-edo,b-+,e;s