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Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs Mr. Jimmy D Smith Director Office of Small Business Programs DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release Distribution is unlimited OSBP YIR Video Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs https://www.youtubecom/watch?v=ZlB81ZLGonw & DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release Distribution is unlimited 2 Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs Strategic Alignment Three Lines of Effort 1. Lethality 2. Strengthen Alliances 3. Greater Performance and Affordability Three Priorities 1. People 2. Capabilities 3. Processes https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness Three Focus Areas 1. People 2. Capabilities 3. Processes DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 3 3 Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs Network Government Buyers Contractors Other Small Business Owners
https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 4 4 Buying Commands Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs U.S Marine Corps Installations and Logistics www.iandlmarinesmil (HQMC I&L) 703-604-3656 Ground Equipment Ground Weapons and IT systems Marine Corps Systems Command www.marcorsyscommarinesmil (MCSC) 703-432-3946 Naval Facilities Engineering Command www.navfacnavymil (NAVFAC) 202-685-9129 Construction and Facilities Strategic Weapons Systems (missile Systems) Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) www.sspnavymil 202-433-7857 Naval Supply Systems Command www.navsupnavymil (NAVSUP) 717-605-1663 https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness Majority of Navy Buys, Services, material, logistics, maritime, aviation spares, etc. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 5 5 Buying Commands cont’d Department of the Navy Office of Small
Business Programs Ocean transportation Military Sealift Command (MSC) www.mscnavymil/business 757-443-1435 Aviation Naval Air Systems Command www.navairnavymil/osbp (NAVAIR) 301-757-9044 Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR) www.spawarnavymil 619-524-7701 Information Technology/ Communications Research and Development (SBIR) Office of Naval Research(ONR) www.onrnavymil 703-696-2607 Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) www.navseanavymil 202-781-2061 https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness Shipbuilding DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 6 6 Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs Year-to-Date Spends Through 10Jul2019 $80.00 $70.00 $60.00 $67.31 $64.88 $60.59 $57.85 $50.00 $40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $10.00 $- $8.05 13.91% FY16 Total Awards (Billions) $7.64 FY18 SB Awards (Billions) https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness 15.07% 15.38% 11.78% FY17 $10.14 $9.32 FY19 SB% DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT
A. Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited. Linear (SB Awards (Billions)) 7 7 What the DON Buys https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited. 8 8 Top Navy Small Business NAICS Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs NAICS SB $ % of FY18 SB 541330 ENGINEERING SERVICES 3.6122 23.56% 236220 COMMERCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 1.8502 12.07% 336611 SHIP BUILDING AND REPAIRING 1.2383 8.08% 541712 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE PHYSICAL, ENGINEERING, AND LIFE SCIENCES (EXCEPT BIOTECHNOLOGY) 0.7845 5.12% 561210 FACILITIES SUPPORT SERVICES 0.5135 3.35% 541519 OTHER COMPUTER RELATED SERVICES 0.4422 2.88% 483111 DEEP SEA FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION 0.4397 2.87% 541715 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE PHYSICAL, ENGINEERING, AND LIFE SCIENCES (EXCEPT NANOTECHNOLOGY AND
BIOTECHNOLOGY) 0.3767 2.46% 622110 GENERAL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL HOSPITALS 0.3046 1.99% 334220 RADIO AND TELEVISION BROADCASTING AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING 0.2399 1.56% https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 9 9 Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs FY18 By the Numbers $15.4B Awarded to SB Primes 1800+ Attendees Navy Gold Coast Event $5.8B Awarded to SDB Primes $2.4B Awarded to WOSB Primes “Small Business. The First Option” $1.2B Awarded to HUBZone Primes $2.4B Awarded to SDVOSB Primes 488 Outreach Events Deputy PM’s are SB Advocates https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness 145 PHASE III SBIR Contracts awarded ($508M) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited. 10 Navy Week Participation Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs http://outreach.navymil/Navy-Weeks/
Charleston, SC, March 14 Wilmington, NC, April 4 Oklahoma City, OK, May 30 Nashville, TN, June 6 Quad Cities, IA, June 27 Duluth, MN, July 17 Navy Office of Community Outreach (NAVCO) Navy Week Department /Phone: 901-847-7048 https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness - CONFIRMED Wichita, KS, Sept 11 St. Louis, MO, Sept 5 Charleston, WV, Oct 17 FUTURE DATES Boise, ID, Aug 19-25 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 11 11 Sea Air Space Event https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs www.seaairspaceorg DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 12 12 Get Connected Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs @DON OSBP https://www.youtubecom DON Office of Small Business Programs Channel https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness /deptofnavysmallbusiness DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A.
Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 13 Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs Get Connected Facebook LIVE Event Topics Facebook LIVE Visit the DON OSBP YouTube channel to view these videos. • Learn How to Participate in DoD’s Acquisition Public – Private Talent Exchange • Section 809 Panel Recommendations & the Potential Impact on Small Businesses • SeaPort-NxG • How to Conduct Business with the Navy & Marine Corps • The Rule Making Process & Government Industry Communications • DON Small Business Utilization • SBIR/STTR • Being Procurement Ready • Other Transaction Authority https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 14 Questions https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 15