Medical knowledge | High school » National Framework for Living with COVID19


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National Framework for living with COVID-19 Very low rate of COVID-19 infections Low R-Number Very high rate of COVID-19 infections High R-Number Level 1 Social & Family Gatherings Level 2 Max: 10 from 3 other households Level 3 Max: 6 from 3 other households Level 4 Level 5 Max: 6 from 1 other household No visitors No visitors Max: 25 Max: 6 Max: 6 No organised events No organised events Gatherings of up to Gatherings of up to Weddings Max: 100 Indoor Events Outdoor Events Depending on venue size Depending on venue size 100 200 50 100 Depending on venue size Depending on venue size 200 500 100 200 Sports Training Indoors Pods of Normal training with protective measures Matches & Events Gyms, Pools & Leisure Centres Max: 50 100 200 500 indoor outdoor stadia Open with protective measures 6 Outdoors Pods of 50 Bars serving food, Cafés & Restaurants 1 Pods of Pods of 15 15 15 1 Individual only Non-contact No organised

events Individual only 15 Non-contact Individual training only 50 100 200 indoor outdoor stadia Open with protective measures Religious Services (or sub-groups of 50) 15 50 (or sub-groups of 50) Open with protective measures Open Groups of 6 from up to 3 households Open with protective measures Open Groups of 6 from up to 3 households Open with protective measures Open with protective measures Except specific exemptions Except specific exemptions No events Individual training only Closed Closed Services move online Services move online Services move online Funerals Funerals Funerals 25 25 10 Range of restrictions up to and including no indoor dining Outdoor dining only Max: 15 Takeaway/Delivery Takeaway/Delivery only Range of restrictions up to and including no indoor service* Outdoor only Max: 15 persons Takeaway/Delivery Takeaway/Delivery only Services limited to Residents only Existing Guests & Essential Purposes only Essential Purposes

only Primarily outdoor Essential retail/services Essential Retail only Wet Pubs Hotels, Guesthouses B&Bs Retail & Services Mandatory face coverings Indoor Cultural Venues Open with protective measures Open with protective measures Open with protective measures Open with protective measures Open with protective measures Venues closed Libraries available for e-services/call & collect Staggered attendance Essential Meetings, Induction & Training only Venues closed Online services available Venues closed Online services available Essential & other designated workers only Essential workers only Workplace Work from home if possible Domestic Travel No restrictions Public Transport 50% Capacity Cycle or walk if possible Mandatory face coverings Schools & Childcare Adult & Higher Education Care Homes Over 70s & Medically Vulnerable No restrictions Attend only if absolutely necessary Stay in your county except for work, education &

essential purposes 50% Peak hours reserved for essential workers and purposes Only when necessary Open with protective measures Open with protective measures Open with protective measures Open with protective measures Open with protective measures Open with enhanced protective measures 25% Capacity Off-peak hours Open with protective measures Stay in your county Except for essential work, education & essential purposes Open Escalate all appropriate protective measures / limit congregation Stay at home Exercise within 5km 25% Capacity Capacity Avoid public transport Avoid public transport Open with protective measures Recommendations based on situation and evidence at time Move online On-site attendance only when essential Recommendations based on situation and evidence at time Visiting suspended, aside from critical and compassionate circumstances Exercise judgement regarding engaging with others and in activities outside home. *Pubs currently remain

closed in Dublin More detailed information is available at