Military science, Law enforcement | Studies, Essays, Thesises » How Small Business Fit in Support of the Department of the Navy

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Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs Virtual Vets ‘20 Veteran Entrepreneur Training Symposium Mr. Jimmy D Smith Director Office of Small Business Programs DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release Distribution is unlimited Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs Strategic Alignment Three Lines of Effort 1. Lethality 2. Strengthen Alliances 3. Greater Performance and Affordability Three Priorities 1. People 2. Capabilities 3. Processes https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness Three Focus Areas 1. People 2. Capabilities 3. Processes DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 2 2 Department of the Navy Defense Industrial Base Office of Small Business Programs Challenges • NDIA Vital Signs 2020 – The Health and Readiness of the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) – • NDIA report graded the DIB a “C” grade. Small Business and the Office of Small Business Programs can

decrease the gap in four specific areas: Gap Mitigation Strategy Focus on SBIR (awards & research) demand signals Innovation Perform outreach with focus on transition of R&D projects Maximize the use of existing programs and authorities Production Inputs Monitor industrial workforce and identify trends to assist/counsel small businesses in procurement readiness Monitor demand signal and communicate to industry Supply Chain Political and Regulatory Conditions Assist with Market Research Identify and help break down barriers of entry Continue to enhance small business legislations Perform town halls, Congressional engagements, etc. https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 33 Long Range Acquisition Forecast https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs 4 4 Buying Commands Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs

U.S Marine Corps Installations and Logistics (HQMC I&L) www.iandlmarinesmil 703-604-3656 Ground Equipment Ground Weapons and IT Systems Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) www.marcorsyscommarinesmil 703-432-3946 Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) www.navfacnavymil 202-685-9129 Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) www.sspnavymil 202-433-7857 Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) www.navsupnavymil 717-605-1663 https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness Construction and Facilities Strategic Weapons Systems (Missile Systems) Majority of Navy Buys, Services, material, logistics, maritime, aviation spares, etc. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 5 5 Buying Commands cont’d Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs Ocean Transportation Military Sealift Command (MSC) www.mscnavymil/business 757-443-1435 Aviation Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) www.navairnavymil/osbp 301-757-9044 Naval Information Warfare

Systems Command (NAVWAR) www.spawarnavymil 619-524-7701 Information Technology/ Communications Research and Development (SBIR/STTR) Office of Naval Research (ONR) www.onrnavymil 703-696-2607 Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) www.navseanavymil 202-781-2061 https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness Shipbuilding DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 6 6 Department of the Navy Total and Small Business Office of Small Business Programs FY16-FY19 Award Trends Data for FY16, FY17, and FY18 are all from validated datasets, FY19 data is as of 30 September 2019 https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited. 7 7 Department of the Navy Socioeconomic Group Office of Small Business Programs FY16-FY19 Trends Data for FY16, FY17, and FY18 are all from validated datasets, FY19 data is as of 30 September 2019 https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness DISTRIBUTION

STATEMENT A. Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited. 8 8 Increase Greater Returns from the SBIR/STTR Program https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 9 9 Mentor Protégé Program (MPP) • Pilot program established November 5, 1990 in response to concerns by DOD prime contractors regarding their inability to meet Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) subcontracting goals. • Incentivizes DoD contractors to assist small businesses in enhancing their capabilities and increasing their participation in government and commercial contracts. • DON has administered over 80 Mentor-Protégé Agreements (MPA) in it’s history. Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness 10 Get Connected Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs

@DON OSBP https://www.youtubecom DON Office of Small Business Programs Channel https://www.secnavnavymil/smallbusiness /deptofnavysmallbusiness DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. 11