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WAJNGANUI 2 CbtRONICIkB. FRIDAY, THE WAR. GREAT BATTLE STILL RAGING. AMERICANS POURING ACROSS. LONDON, Auril 17 The United Press correspondent states that Prince Sixte and Generals Yon Argin and Yon Quasi are continuing teir efforts to hammer their way into Hazebrouck. They have suffered LLOYD GEORGE CONFIDENT OF WINNING THROUGH (A. . y| -H l| fiisli Moss H Be sure to equip with a set, four wheels and spare rim. Si 4% L«. , tot,/ ! !■t1 lent there is noiiiingl lite bettor. Theres only one genuine <-SjL ■ give a firm, true bearing surface to the tyre and add to its life. Aα injured tyre may be removed and a new one slipped on with utmost ease. No experience necessary, „ Ask for particulars. S. 1 DISASTER. LONDON. April 17 OUTBREAK CAUSED BY AVIATORS ALLIED The British have recaptured Meteren, hut have withdrawn their front at St. Eloi and certain positions around Ypres. JP%I~~-. NA J ^^M were I .== OP YOUR r feeling mentary prospect

of fiction. The Australian casualties were- much OUR STOCK OP CARPETS AND RUGS IS ONE OF THE LARGEST IN NEW ZEALAND. 1 j Follow the Flag |j I That stands for Purity. I1• 5 Have nothing but I% 1 FLAG BRAND OF j| I HOME FCRNISHERS, and Pure Malt Vinegar, so GUARANTEED PUEE! lighter than was first anticipated. Tho sudden inrush of wounded to Abbeville hospital induced apprehension that the losses were heavy. The earliest Australians on the Somme front plunged directly into tho fray. They were very exhausted after 17 hours in the train and a twelvemile march, but two divisions were singled out for special praise for their brilliant work in stopping Yon HofackIrs advance. The Australian Brigade, which distinguished itself at Messines in 1917 also iought in a most gallant fashion. Made by HAYWARD I I ESOS., Christchurch, from | I fresh selected Vegetables I; 8010 8010 ■i-iwiiiiipi fc 1,.,-,, yJl^ EVERY BLEMISH REMOVED IN TEN DAYS • . ; your

Appearance. JRACE DUNCAN, former actress, who no* lifers to tell women of the mostreniark&bl* complexion treatment eve? known. This great beauty marvel has instantly pro luced a sensation. Stubborn cases have beer tired thatbaffled physiciansand beauty n>ecialisu or years. Youhave never in all your life used 01 ieard of anything like it Makes muddy complex ons, red spots, pimples, blackheads, freckles ruptions, vanish almost like magic. No cream otion, enamel, salve, plaster, bandage, mask, mas age, diet or apparatus, nothing to swallow. I loesn t matter whether or not your complexioi a "fright," whether your face is full of mudd: pots, peppery blackheads, embarrassing pimple; ,nd eruptions, or whether your skin is rough an« porey, and youve tried almost everythingunde he sun to get rid of the blemishes. This wonder ul treatment, in just 10 days, positively lemove: very blemish and beautifies your skin in a mar ellous way. You look years younger gives he skin the

bloom and tint of purity of a It freshlj ilown rose. In 10 days you can be the subject o rild admiration by all your friends, no matte) mat your age or condition of health. AH Methods now known are cast aside There is nothing to wear, nothing to take in •rnally. V cur face, even arms, hands, shoulders re beautified beyond your fondest dreams. Al us I will absolutely prove to you before your owr yes in your mirror mlO days. This treatment is beolutely harmless to the most delicate skin, anc cry pleasant to use. No change in your mode o vmg necessary. A few minutes daily does it 1o everyreader of this paper I will give ful etails of this really astounding treatment. Le »c show you. Your risk nothing Send mc twe enny stamps and your name and address fill give you full details by return mail. w |; | The New Zealnders also took a splendid part in stemming the tide at a critical moment. | I GRACE DUNCAN, ait* IS, 178Csstiereagh Street, Sydnrj FREE COUPON ! GRACE DUNCAN, Suite

19 17S Caetlercagli St., SYDNEY I am a reader of this paper and am entitled to know full details of this sensational, haimless, scientific method for giving marvellous beauty to the complexion andTemoving every blemish in ten days. There is no obligation whatever on my part for this information. I enclose 2d. stamp for postage Name # j Address * $ State I J MOLIfL J> sCrilN A PP.-5 txerci* ■ ?ncl":ciai c<f eet apon tiif- kidneys. 1 sov. Borough Handicap , , s || he would escape punishment. A motoron- conveyed him from the prison to Circulation is essential to the | pBBBSPi warmth and stimulation are m necessaryand these can be had in the most desirable, I For instance, 1 I SALE OF WORK. IN AID OF G.FS SATURDAY, AT 2 P.M The sale of work wliich is to be held in the Girls College Assembly Hall on Saturday afternoon, in aid of the Girls Friendly Society, promises to be a big success in every way. Produce, fancy work, sweets, and pies, etc., will

be on sale, and a novelty during the afternoon will be the evergreen Punch s.nd Judy show In the evening a grand entertainment will be given at which Wanganuis leading artists will assist. Contributions fe»r the sale of work can be left at Mrs. Ballances residence, 60 Wicksteed Street, or at the Girls College Assembly Hall on I I || Saturday morning. SUFFERER FROM BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA RELIEVED. The sale of work will be opened by Archdeacon Reeve. "For many years I had been a -ter- rible sufterer from Bronchitis and Asthma, and had to keep in bed for -weeks at a time. Last winter Baxters Luna; Preserver was recommended to mc, an.l I am grateful to s«iy both Asthma and Bronchitis have now left mc." So writes ;i grateful woman from New- fe obtained by applyingthis magic wrap. Whether the congestion resulting my our having a lame back, be due to cold, inflammation, strained-muscles, or any other causaif there is painWawns Wonder-Wool will STOP it. jjjyijj Kgs| KM BBS

m JK9 Wffl Kα W» W& So wonderful and numeroua mf the virtues of Wawne Wonder-Wool, that no home cen afford to be without thie little medicine cheat in soft, soothing, downy wool. It is juit aa nn r rheumati.m v .• ilumbago, l sciatica, neuritis, •»• andj gout. *<>=>« tor * :~ c •> ««ior neuralgia, tootnache. abdominal pains, and colic; pneumonia, pleurity. bronchitis, coughs «nd cold* disappear under the compelling influence of Wiwni Wonder-Wool. Alw.y» keep some in the house re*dy at the critical moment when its use will make all the different - . • " Ea *SCST? C-?A<ST? and tli« pain I • Voitt Complexion Makes or Mart PARIS, April 17. - was executed this morning. was confident to the last that Mr A. De Bavay, the eminent analy-eaJ : chemist of Melbjirrne, testified at 110 VICTORIA AVENUE, WANGANUI tlie Supreme Court of Victoria that SANDERS EUCALYPTI EXTRaCT compares with other eucalyptus pro~~ r-"i

fpjißfrßinnniwroiim£m MiMiiiii■iiiiiiii in iiniiiii i i „. „„,„ Bm^ J!Tfm^^??l?»^^^^i WM*^^^^^^^^Bintaar-^c , ducts as well-refined and matured bran town, Wellington. dy with raw spirit. He stated Thousands testify to the remarkable t&atcompares SANDERS EXTRACT contains now value of Large From a Wellington Lieutenant, curative "Baxters." antiseptic and healing ingredients Father:"! am STOP LOOKING SHABBY! bottle costs only 2s. in the Trenches, to hislittle dose of In- I which are not contained in other eucaTHE U-BOAT MENACE. o-ettiug over a nice v lyptus prepartions, and this is why it merry been while has on wearing that baggy old fluenza, which i Dont go Fame and fortune await an invention EXTRACT ba« such supeSANDERS not meantime it is t!~e suit! In lasted. and unique curative powers. will effectively cope with enemy which H rior for famous the SNIFF GARGLE much, UP, mc OR SWALLOW worrying SENT) IT TO COOKS! prevents meningitis, typhoid,

diphthesubmarines. But the idea must be proFluenzoT, all the way from NZ has I They will clean ria, Although trouble, Colds, and throat etc. perly patented protected. and renovate bronit, 1 altered my outlook on life. JSow 1 I press it and brighten it up, and youf chitis, lung disease, rheumatism, neuyou may not be able to devise an ap,iave not even an excuse to get out of can as trim ralgia, kidney and bladder troubles are come out and spruce as£ pliance for dealing with the U-Boats, I work." yours in another banished by it. If you insist on the ever. | that iittle idea ofsuccess, Make sure GENUINESANDER EXTRACT you RememberAppearance counts for if sphere may brins that it is secured to you. , Our Free will have the tried and approved artia great deal. Book, THE HOLY LAND cle, which benefits and does aot harm "Advice to Inventors, tells how SO SEND IT TO COOKS! i to do it. Though blankets are dear, hot water the most delicate constitution. Henry Hughes, Ltd., Pais a cheap.

Feathoreton Get North British Rubber Street, tent Attorneys, Corpl. G Pagett, of the sth WellWellington Coy.s serviceable Rubber Bottle made In changeable weather take NAZOL from PalS. COOK, in"i-on Mounted Rifles, writes with a " Unique" stopperthe brand on sngar or by inhalation. Best safe(Mr WANGANUI. i estine to a chum in New ZealandStreet, that speilp satisfaction. Recommended guard against chills One does a day V Chambers, of 14, Belfast by all chemists. keeps colds away. Is 6d buys sixty asking tli.it two bottles ■Vollinrrton>. NAZOL is known everywhere as tn* doses. be posted to him. He rays ilip){Vr.pr7ol rcady-for-u.se and money saving reme■ Vlwnys finds thnt Fluenznl keens WOLFES SCTRNAFPS-Exercise a dy for coughs and colds. Acts iiiie a WOLFES* SCHNAPPS-Exercise a BairaeltJiiche Magic Nervine inetant* Mm wellwhile on r.rtivo service Dont beneficial efltest upon tbe Sidney*. charm. Sixty doses Is 6d beneficial effect upon the kidneys. lynstops

Toothache. forget our ovm soldier. ■«"»"* T<yii|i <l . BOLO PAYS THE PENALTY. helped to stop tho first rush on the daged. Somme. They describle the suddenness oi the orders to proceed south, from the Messines sector, tho first stiige in motor lorries, the second in a seemingly interminable march, with the mo- of warmth and comfort. iii"" f • a fort at Vincennes, where there was enced .harder fighting THiough few <•! firing squad composed of 12 volunnave yet arrived in England out ot the Eteers. 8010 appeared weak, and rerecent battles, there are some who quested that his eyes should be ban- BRUSSELS CARPETSfrom £G 15s. AXMINSTER CARPETSI2ft x 9 ft, £9 17s 6d ; 12ft x 10ft 6in., £10 15s; 13ft 6in. x 10ft Inn, £13 17s 6d; loft x 12ft, trom £1-3 17s (id. 1 so-fc. 1 soy. soy. 1 1 . . . P Australian and New Zealand avoiiikL ed agree that tliev have- not experi- MADE FROM OUR, LARGE SELECTION PIECE CARPETS. . I = (A. and NZ Cable

Association) LONDON, April 17. JUTE SQUARES-from 59s 6d. TAPESTRY SQUARES from £4 7s 6d. 1 sovr PROGRAMME soy The quarterly meeting of the officebearers of the" Wanganui 1 soy. Methodist j FOR soy. 1 Winter Oats Church was held last Monday evenRata Hack Hurdles 1 so /. WINTER MEETING. ing. The Rev H L Blamires was in Balgownie Hack Flat 1 soy. Steeplechase the chair, and there was a good atGrandstand 1 soy. THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. May Hurdle Handicap 1 soy. tendance. The Rev Reid, who is to Handicap 1 soy. Empire 23rd and 25th May, 1918. take charge oi the Gonville circuit from .Farewell Hack Flat Handicap 1 soy At next Sunday, was also present. H. N Harrison FRIDAY, 10th MAY, 191Si.t the commencement of the meeting, OFFICERS:Patron Esq. President: E A Campbell, (On or about). votes of condolence were passed with Vice-President, Allan Cameron, Esq. Weights for Borough Handicap, VanTimekeeper: A. E T Nixon Century th<e relatives of the late Airs Mlchaelis Hon. ganui

Steeplechase, Hurdle Judge: W. H Hartgiil Starter: O. Handicap, Connolly Handicap, Hack sinrl Mrs. F Hill Handicapper Coyle. OConnor. H. Steeplechase Handicap. Kaitoke Hack Various reports were read dealing Speed Hon Clerk of Scales: H. M Hurdles, Purua Hack Flat Handicap. with the progress of the church. DurClerk of Course: G T Lynch Hon Surgeon: Dr. Hatherly Hon Vet Suring the quarter Trinity had receivMay 20th, 1918 at 930 pm MONDAY, geon: P. Maxwell Edgar Stewards ed 2R Bible Class members into senior ACCEPTANCES. President, Vice-President, and Treas2 soys Borough Handicap dozen membership, and n adults were urer (ex-officio*), and Messrs G. MarWanganui Steeplechase 5 S"vs also admitted. shall, James Higgie, Jas. Watt, H M Steeplechase Handicap Hack 1 soy Speed. R Russell, C G Russell, J C A sum of £6 5s 7d, collection taken Kaitoke Hurdles 1 soy Good, Earle, W, Paterson, H. E Dr. M soys Century Handicap Hurdle 4 a. the recent rendering of the CruciMcA Duncan, C E Mackay,

Russell Connolly Hanican 3 soys fixion," was paid into the Raetihi ReGrace. CommitteePresident and soy Handicap Purua Hack Flat 1 lief Fund. Hon Treasurer (ex officio), and Messrs G. Marshall, James Higgie, James A committee that had previously been Watt, H. M Speed, R Russell C G THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1918, 530 pm (At or about) set up to inquire as to whether it was Russell, J. C Paterson, H E Good, Dr Weights for Winter Oats Grandadvisable to appoint a deaconess for M. Earle, W McA Duncan, C E Mac- stand Steeplechase, Balgownie Hack kay, Russell Grace. the, district, was authorised to contiEton. Treasurer: riat, Hata Hack Hurdles May Hurdles, J. F Cutiield Secretary: W Hall Empire Handicap, and Farewell Hack nue its inquiry. The report from Wanganui East was Flat FISST DAY. very promising, and a Sunday School FRIDAY, MAY 24th. 1918, at Noon THURSDAY, 23rd MAY, 191S. has been started. A donation of Bibles ACCEPTANCES. and hymn-books has been promised. 2 soys Winter Oats I.BOROUGH

HANDICAP.Of 275 Grrnidsiand Steeplechase £2 10a The Gonville report was very encousovs.; second horse to receive ;>0 sovs Balgownie Hack Flat 1 soy and third horse 25 sovs. -from the raging. The Sunday School is in a soy Hack Hurdles Rata 1 furlongs. stakes. Distance, six Noflourishiag condition, there being a May Hurdles 2 soys acceptance, 2 sovs. so mination, v.; l Handicap large attendance. The church debt has 2HACK Empire £2 10s HANDI1 soy Farewell Hack Flat been substantially reduced. CAP.Of 175 sovs; second horse to reHALL, W. ceive 25 sovs. carried and third horse 15 The meeting the following resovs. Secretary Wanganui Jockey Cluh. from the stakes. Distance, about two solution; "That this quarterly meetmiles. Nomination, 1 sov; acceptance, of the ing Methodist Church of Wan1 sov. ganui urges on the Government the 3.WANGANUI STEEPLECHASE HANDICAPOf SSO sovs; second horse to of the great importance closing hotels receive 100 sov. and third horse 7 0 on Anzac Day, and of

giving Civil Sersovs. from the stakes Over the Wanvants and Government employees an ganui Steeplechase Course; distance about three of miles. Nomination, 1 sov.; opportunity observing Anzac Dny." acceptance, 5 sovs. 4.KAITOKE HACK HURDLE H":;DICAPOf 150 sovs; second horse to receive 20 sovs and third horse 15 sovs from the stakes. Distance; about one SPLENDID VALUE IN ENGLISH I WILL TCLL EVERY READER mile and threequarters; over seven PIANOS. llights of hurdles, 3ft. Sin in height OF THIS PAPER HOW FREE! Floors I . Cleaner , I SPLENDID PAIU* CAN BE " Century Hurdle Handicap Connolly Handicap Puma Hack Flat Handicap , NEW ZEALANDER? TLAY A AXY SIZE Kaitoke Hack Hurdles • == = a, . . . . Steeplechase Wanganui Steeplechase • = A Carpet in the Dining-room, in th« Living Room, creates ,. Hack = AS THE COOL EVENINGS COME ALOXG, MORE TIME IS NATURALLY SPENT ]N THE HOME. WANGANUI JOCKEY CLUB THE METHODIST CHURCH. The Germans have reached the slopes

Nomination, 1 sov.; acceptance 1 sov of Kemmel, situate about midway beS.CENTURY HURDLE HANDICAP- tween Ypres and Armentieres, a little Of 425 sovs.; second Horse to receive 50 Despite maniiractcring antl shipping sovs. and third horse 25 sovs from the tc the west of both places. arising rrom war conditions, difficulties stakes. Distance about two miles and Sir Douglas Haig reports We suc- the britiah piano industry is being quarter; over nine flights of hurdles, a cessfully counter-attacked last evening ;!ft. 6in in height Nomination, 1 sov; on with tlie createet enterprise. of Wytschaete. Proof ot neighbourhood acceptance, the 3 sovs. in tiie whole of Eastern Switzerland. this is atturded by the large NOLLY HANDICAP.Of 225 Our counter-attack also restored the consignment of high-grade instruments 6.COM second sovs.; horse to receive 40 sovs. at Meteren, which we retain. lust received by tee Bristol Piano <Jo and third 15 sovs. from the horse (It was cabled yesterday that a fire

situation We repulsed with loss repeated at- Ltd. stakes. Distance, one mile and a quardestroyed a Zeppelin factory lately Bailleiil. Our fire ter. Nomination, l sov; acceptance 3 of tacks northwards These new arrivals include the latest transtornmed into a Gotha factory. sovs. range caught bodies of the endesigns in pianos for the home, produc- 7.PURUA HACK FLAT HANDICAP The fire also destroyed Zeppelin sheds,, at close infantry advancing in close formaomv well-known that London iirm, Of 150 sovs.; second horse to rehtores, offices, two model Zeppelins, a heavy casualties. The ed by ceive 20 sovs. and third horse 15 sovs mtinber of giant aeroplanes, and great tion. Inflicting and Sons, John Broadwood Ltd. Other from the stakes. Distance, one mile was endeavouring to develop an equally reliable instruments received J5 every claioi made the relief/* quantities of Benzine and timber. The enemy and 110 yards. Minimum weight, 7st. attack at- in id-day yesterday eastward are "The

Sames" and "The Collard." i.i re broke out on Satin day and conNomination, by women thC 1 sov.; acceptance, 1 sov given speedy safe, but our artillery broke up J( Robeeq, of The should magnificent pianos linued on Sunday. sent These be inexplosions famous and certain action oE oe tl SECOND DAY. uf smoke, and also the advance. spected by prospective purchasers. Evwell-known remedy Beechams € up huge columns In consequence of the enemys pro- ery instrument on Friedrichshaven, deLtl-.Jod debris combines excellent tone SATURDAY, lss»y troops front in quality MAY 25th, 191S. Pills. Headaches, backaches, our stroying ouses. The inhabitants were gress on the Lys with greafc carrying power and sltude, worry, extreme nervousness *$ p-an.c-stricken, and many fled to neigh- ithe forward positions eastward of Ypres exceptional durability Guaranteed tor IWINTER OATS HANDICAPOi The with- ten years. Easy tertus of; payment arare deplorable They come to many bouring towns Nearly

40 workshops withdrew to a new line 250 sovs; second horse to receive 20 sovs. and third horse 15 sovs from women, at times, as results ofC were burnt. There were 140 dead and drawal was carried out deliberately, rangod, if desired Old instruments the stakes. Distance, six furlongs. enemy. German undisturbed by the improper nourishment and poor g 200 injured. taken and their lull in part exchange, Nomination, 1 sov.; acceptance 2 sovs parties advancing over the old positions value allowed. circulation. When you suffei*, try The Bristol Piano 2.-BALGOWNIE Co. HACK HANDICAP. were caught and destroyed by the fire Of 150 sovs.; second horse to receive this economical and convenient Ltd., Wellington North Island Manfrom our outposts sovs. and third horse 15 sovs from 20 J. ager, represenPills. Brook.es Local M. remedyBeechams They TROOPS IN THE EAST. the stakes. Distance, one mile and a We drove out parties who entered Henry J. East (Alldens), Stadistance Minimum weight, 7st. Nohave

corrected such conditions the trenches opposite Boyelles, where tative, Victoria Avenue. tioner, 1 sov.: acceptance, 1 sov mination. invariably -whenever tried, COLONEL REPLNGTON CONTRA- our line was comnletel.y restored 3. GRANDSTAND STEEPLECHASE they deserve DICT LLOYD GEORGE There was considerably increased hos t HANDICAP.Of 385 sovs: second Furniture, FVucrs and ,/inoleums horse to receive 80 sovs. and third tile artillery fire this morning on the look like initv wacn rubbed with "iANlif-rse to receive 30 sav?;. from the British front southward of the Somme. (A. and NZ Cable Association) UL." B. up wood grain and patsrske.«?: distance about two miles and LONDON April 17 Meteren remains in our hands. We torngiree 5s a half; over such course as the stewi issling pol»sH. Colonel Reprington declares t at Mr withdrew from advanced positions eastarcs shall direct. Nomination, lsov; See how certainly your digestion € fr-» acceptance, £2 10s. will be improved and your

bodily g Lloyd Georges statement that there ward of Ypres to a new line. 4.RATA HACK HURDLE HANDICAP were only three white, divisions in Palorgans strengthensd. It will seem Of 150 sovs.; second horse to receive 20 sovs. and third horse 15 sovs from marvellous th*.t you can be so quickly estine and Egypt when the German the stakes Distance about one mile Colonel WHAT OF THE RESERVES? relieved of distress and your whole C offensive began is untrue. end five furlongs; over six flights of Repington reasserts that Aye were feedhurdles, 3ft. 6in in height Nominasystem toned up Your blood will $ a million and a quarter mouths in tion, 1 sov; acceptance, 1 sov. LONDON, April 17 be purifiedand then your eyes will J ing Ui<* three Eastern theatres on the 21st SMAY HURDLE HANDICAP.Of 320 The Daily News Parliamentary corsparkle, your complexion be spotless, March, and that the campaigns were sovs: second horse to receive 45 sovs. says there is a feeling end third horse 25 sovs. from the your

lips rosy, your spirits cheerful costing an inconceivable price in lives, lespondent among Moderate Liberals that somestakes. Distance, about one mile and if you place justified reliance / ships, and money resources. threequarters: over seven flights of thing has gone wrong at the front. hurdles, 3ft. 6in in height NominaThere is a mystery regarding the use tion, 1 sov.;; acceptance 2 sovs o? reserves. The Liberals demand [ 6.EMPIRE HANDICAPOf 275 sovs; ON THE FRENCH FRONT. second horse to receive 35 sovs. and closer touch between the House of Less Work ; third horse 15 sovs. from the stakes Commons and the Cabinet, and insist Linoleums and woodwork are sj Distance, one mile and a distance. on an explanation of the conflicting joomi".Hnn i c-nv: acceptance £2 10s LONDON, April 17. cleaned more thoroughly and x FAREWELL HACK VT.AT HANDIReports from the Somme battle- Ministerial statements easily if you add a little M CAPOf 150 sovs; second lorse to refront show that the general

timing uj. "Moto" to hot water. j^ ceive 25 sovs. and third lorse 15 sovs areas continues, tlic from the stakes. Distance, six fureastward oj longs. Minimum weight 7st NominaAmiens being occasionally heavily PAYING FOR OFFENSIVE tion, 3 sov.; acceptance, 1 sov To shells on Tuesday shelled. German start at 4.20 pm destroyed the Albert church tower, GERMANY TO LOSE PREPARED with its famous leaning statue of the I The Universal Cleanser |j j 1,500,000 MEN. Virgin. dissolves trodden-in dirt which Winner of any steeplechase after desoaps wont A French communique reports : Unequalled || touch. claration of weights to carry 101b penWASHINGTON, April 17 for home cleaning, for hands, There is fairly great reciprocal artilg] altv in a steeplechase, of any hurdle Mr. Baker, Secretary for War, has nnmi:miiiMiii mini!:ir in:.■i!iu:n:iimM!(ii!;:);:ni!i:!! ; for clothes. Non-injurious I race to carry 101b penalty in a hurdle lery activity and also patrol encounters from a visit to the

European returned and of any flat race to carry 71b, rcae, For Stomach Paine, Stamps, on the front of the Somme and the front. leaves no odour. OniylOd I two or more such races 101b penalty in t.iki* !>om 5 to 20 drops of pure a tin. Sold everywhere Oise. We made several coups-de-niain, | ~ ■£ No penalty will be required a flat race. Advices received here state that in Bine lab 1 for all "household par£ notably .south-west of Butte dv Mes- accordance with an Registered Kame in an open race for having won a hack «*» I with the m .agreement posescontains no | races. race or iii 1, in the region of Taluire and north Socialists and Radicals, the military DATES OF NOMINATIONS, WEIGHTS, of Fluey. An enemy attack east of Green labelthe jj&l&UtK of Germany are prepared to $■% AND ACCEPTANCES. AND leaders ), in -water and sip slowly. {3 heavy, Cleanserfor on the right bank of the suffer a million and a half casualties &S bard Amounts to be fowarded to Secretary. ~

Somogneux, For COUGHS. COLDS CATARRH, % cloamin?. Wanganui Jockey Club: Meuse,f failed. in their big offensive. m Moto Chemical Co., ■■(§gSo®t§fffl SORK TViHOATS. dilute to a, pini SiiiiiMiiiiiiiiifMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMtriiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?l WINTER MEETING. CHRISTCiUJRCH 23rd and 25th MAY. 1918 COLONIALS AT THE SOMME. FRIDAY, APRIL 2fith, 191S. at 930 pm NOMINATIONS. .tires blazing at noon on Tuesday. It i.s reported that Allied aviators dropped bombs on the Manzell gasworks, starting a conflagration, the rejection of which ifi visible in almost, GIRLCaSFdO SO EASY that a repair. IT IN TEN MINUTES,SO EFFECTIVE A THAT NO EXPERT CAN NoMAKE External JOB I MORE DURABLE Fiatne. Sold by Ironmongers & Garages ,-. NKwaBNRY. Walker Ltd Mobsget it. Ki^ JIM GENEVA, April 17. TREMENDOUS SUCCESS ! S«™f Money & Time Dtorists can now mend their COMPLETE ( , Boiniingtons Irish At Friedru-hshavpti the Wasisanat on& WcH!»sta A. HATRICK & CO,Ltd General

Distributors New Zealand Okaiitahlt <A All Important Gwra&es. Write for lUuslraled Literature a j^ J^ ; p|| Just Loosen Fie Bolts and bes anywhere, not in and N.Z Cable Association) heavy casualties, but they have made little headway. A large area of the battlefield near Baille.ul i« being constantly pounded with high velocity and gas shells, and deadly vapours are drifting across the cultivated field. LONDON. April 17 Speaking in the Mouse of Commons, General Bernhardis divisions near Mr. Lloyd George said: Since the attacked heavily at 3 Man-Power .Bill had been introduced Bramoutre i;<-> had had days of despondency and oclock on Tuesday afternoon, the Briduys of hope. The Germane aimed at tish guns tearing great rents in their destroying the British army, but this ranks. * Stettins forces General Yon plan had failed. The enemy had inTheres Nothing Better to flicted heavy losses on the British, but throughout the afternoon continued to tile losses which attack

round Meteren and Merris, the for Coughs and Colds! ml they were nothing sustained. The French British guns pounding the them witii enemy had troubles lung serious |ig Many and the American monotonous regularity, relieved only army was int.net, neglected a from •i*| niiiy result $Jpf was pouring across. If we stood by an occasional burst of drumfire will cure TO|g army colli. Safe ||m hrnilv together, not giving way to fear when particularly thick masses exposed ;|Pj itand cure it now. opiates panic, wo would win through in the- themselves in the open. The costly at/J| and sure, containing noBouning- Bggjj or tack was driven back by evening, the drugs. IftS i-nd. <M or harmful good fields being thick with dead. for the lutie Kfeg tons is as In the Zillebeke sector, to which the ones as for the older folk. fighting has spread, Zudhnas storm BULGARIANS AND THE troops tried to advance towards Ypres, WEST FRONT. but they were mostly shot down at short range, the centre being literaTly

ROME. April 17 pounded to pieces. The enemy was orAustrian papers are urging that the dered to retire, when both flanks cession of the Dobrudja to Bulgaria be caught the full force of the British arSales- |»n contingent on the Bulgarian army betillery and nwuhine-Euns, dwindling as Duned.n ing used in France or Italy. Bristol P.ano Co Lul bnve they scrambled back in disorder. gOS used I many y-ars JmH ta-s- -"For Irish Mo*.-«uflici«it to s*ouiinfitonB never wiiht-ut n ootJc, B| SI say tliat lam Li-l{ I ind wtscii cougliß «nd colds ?.re preva- fttb THE FRIEDRICSHAVEN METEREN HELD BY BRITISH. |l m APRIL 19 1918. - tsj W& H Rend how Mr. end Mrt Lewington appreciate Wewna V/ondcrWi Wool: ~ SB 1 mention that both Mrs. Lewington end ciyeelf have M | JB" your used Wonder-Woolwith wonderful ie«tm». Weliavc also 6?* u ed it on the childrens necksand chest, foi cola., and it ha 9 always ftiven them immediate relief. lror rheumrism weem B»3 honestly testify that it

is a Wonder-Wool indeed. We have fc?| siven some to neighbours who asree with u« lh»t it is Marvellous , ■ * 1 J" US ALFRED LEWINGTON Lcadville. P0 NSW «TVP>®«) . """ " H ■■■■"■ in wff > ifti) J iliilll Ii I i Vm i j Wt Private Box. l W/y!j ^fflf»l jJj II ! VWlj