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GRAND CANYON NEMZETI PARK USA www.usautazashu www.usautakhu A Grand Canyon ("Nagy szurdok") a Colorado folyó által kivájt sokszínő, meredek völgyszurdok USA délközép- nyugati részén. A Grand Canyont a Colorado folyó több mint 6 millió év alatt hozta létre, 446 km hosszú, szélessége 6,4 km-tıl 24 km-ig terjed és mélysége akár a másfél kilométert is meghaladja./ A Nemzeti Park Arizona államban van A 2700 km2 nagyságú területet T Roosewelt elnök nyilvánította elıször védetté, mint Nemzeti Emlékmőt. Nemzeti Parkká csak 1919-ben lett Az egyedülállóan szép és érdekes terület a Coloradó folyó mélyen bevágódott szurdokvölgyének köszönheti létét. A földtörténeti precambriumban keletkezett és helyenként gránit telérekkel áttört kristályos pala alapkızetre – amely több, mint 2,5 milliárd éves – homokkı, mészkı és pala rakódott le vastag rétegben és hoztak létre egy késıbb kiemelkedı fennsíkot.

Ebbe a majd 3000 m magas síkságba vágódott bele a Coloradó 2000 m mélyen, úgy hogy a kanyon falán az egész földtörténet – kövületeivel és rétegeivel – követhetı. Helyenként a völgy olyan mély és olyan szők, hogy a nap soha nem süt be. Egyedülálló geológiai képzıdmény a méreteit tekintve is Hatalmas méreteire jellemzı, hogy az egész völgy hossza olyan, mintha Gyırtıl Nyíregyházáig tartana. Mélysége pedig, hogy a Mátra hegység kétszer férne el benne egymás fölött és csak akkor érné el a peremét. Az élıvilága is igen különös, amely a mikroklímával magyarázható Mivel a kanyon peremi részei hidegebbek és csapadékosabbak, mint a völgy feneke, ezért fenn a kanadai területekre jellemzı növényeket és állatokat találunk – jegenyefenyı (Abies grandis), tiszafa (Taxus brevifolia), duglászfenyı (Pseudotsuga menziesi), fajd (Bonasa umbellus) stb. Fokozatosan lefelé haladva a mérsékelt égövi fajok

következnek, mint pl.: a tölgy (Quercus lobata), üröm (Artemisia sp.) kékszajkó (Cyanocitta cristata), mókus (Sciurus carolinensis), kanadai juh (Ovis canadensis) Legalul pedig a mexikói sivatagok jellegzetes élılényei kerülnek elı, mint a medvetalp kaktusz (Opuntia sp.), jukka (Yucca filamentosa), agáve (Agave americana), sivatagi róka (Vulpes velox), sivatagi patkány, különbözı sivatagi sáskák. A hatalmas méretek azonban az élılényeknek is útját állják. Bizonyos tekintetben elterjedési, állatföldrajzi határt jelent Megfigyelték ugyanis, hogy a völgy két oldalán elıforduló közel rokon fajok – pl. két mókus faj – soha nem keverednek egymással A völgy szigorúan elválasztja az elterjedési területüket. Ez a valaha indiánok lakta terület ma igen látogatott kiránduló hely és az amerikai természetvédelem egyik féltett büszkesége. A NEMZETI PARK –ba belépéskor 25 USD/kocsi díjat kell fizetni , mely max . 1 hétig 4

fıre érvényes korlátlan belépésre/ Ez egyébként minden USA nemzeti parknál így van Így lehet hogy érdemesebb megvenniük még ott az 1 évre szóló NEMZETI PARKI bérletet amely korlátlan belépésre jogosít ezen idıszak alatt a NEMZETI PARKOK-ba ennek díja 80 USD/ fı . /Kártyával interneten is lehet vagy a helyszínen az elsı parknál célszerő . http://wwwnpsgov Látszati térkép . Bal oldalon a GRAND CANYON VILLAGE ez a kanyon déli peremén van Jobbra az ÉSZAKI PEREM / NORTH RIM / látható . A képen felfelé van NYUGAT- LAS VEGAS, lefelé pedig kelet PAGE-MONUMENT VALLEY / BRYCE CANYON GRAND CANYON és a környezı látványosságok : GRAND CANYON VILLAGE ahol a fekete jelzés alapján jobb oldalon az INFORMÁCIÓS KÖZPONT található. Itt helyi térkép, túra információ beszerezhetı Jobb oldalon a DESERT VIEW ıt mely PAGE/ DESERT VIEW kilátó felıl jön . Majd a MATHER POINT kilátótól egészen HERMITS –ig végig lehet látogatnia a

DÉLIPEREM 6SOUTH RIM / legszebb kilátóhelyeit . Délre a 64-s út bevisz a térkép alján látataó TUSCAYAN városkába ahol a legtöbb szálláshely is található/ Repülıtér , IMAX THEATER, szupermarketek, túrita információ , orvos, gyógyszertár stb . Ezen 64-s úton továbbhaladva juthatunk el nyugati irányban LAS VEGAS – LOS ANGELES – keleti irányban FLAGSTAFF – PHOENIX felé . Grand Canyon Directions Grand Canyon National Park is located in Northern Arizona. Grand Canyon Village (South Rim) is located 60 miles North of Interstate 40 at Williams via Highway 64, and 80 miles Northwest of Flagstaff via Highway 180. Only ten miles from rim to rim as the crow flies, the North Rim is 215 miles (about 4 1/2 hours) from the South Rim by car. Please watch for animals and drive carefully Please note that gasoline is only available inside of the park seasonally at Desert View. Gasoline is available year-round, just outside of the park to the South in Tusayan. Driving

from Flagstaff, Arizona • • • • Take Interstate 40 West to Williams. At the Arizona Highway 64 junction turn North. Proceed to the South entrance of Grand Canyon National Park. Driving time is approximately 1 hour, 40 minutes; 89 miles. Driving from Flagstaff - Alternate Route • In downtown Flagstaff turn North onto US Highway 180. • • • • Continue to the Arizona Highway 64 junction. Turn right (north) and continue on Arizona Highway 64 to the south entrance of Grand Canyon National Park. National Park Service entrance fees apply. Driving time is approximately 1 hour, 30 minutes; 78 miles. Note: US Highway 180 is not recommended during inclement weather. Driving from Phoenix, Arizona :Drive north on Interstate 17 to Flagstaff. • • • • Take Interstate 40 west to Williams. Turn right onto Highway 64 (north) and proceed to the South entrance of Grand Canyon National Park. National Park Service entrance fees apply. Driving time is approximately 4 hours;

247 miles. Driving from Las Vegas, Nevada • • • • • Go south on US Highway 93 (over the Hoover Dam) to Kingman, Arizona. Go East on Interstate 40 to Williams. At the Arizona Highway 64 junction, turn left (north) and proceed to the south entrance of Grand Canyon National Park. National Park Service entrance fees apply. Driving time is approximately 5 hours 30 minutes; 273 miles. Driving from Grand Canyon North Rim, Arizona • • • • • Highway 67 to Jacob Lake. East & South on Highway 89A to junction of Highway 89. Go South on Highway 89 to Cameron. Go West about 57 miles to South Rim. Driving time is approximately 5 hours; 214 miles. Driving from Sedona, Arizona • • • • • • Go north on Arizona Highway 89A to Flagstaff. In downtown Flagstaff turn North onto US Highway 180. Continue to the Arizona Highway 64 junction. Turn right (north) and continue on Highway 64 to the South entrance of Grand Canyon National Park. National Park Service entrance

fees apply. Driving time is approximately 2 hours, 30 minutes; 110 miles. Driving from Bryce Canyon Lodge, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah • • • • • Go south on Highway 89 to Mt. Carmel junction Continue South on 89 to Highway 64 junction. Take 64 west to the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. National Park Service entrance fees apply. Driving time is approximately 5 hours 45 minutes; 300 miles. Driving from Zion Lodge, Zion National Park, Utah : Go east on Highway 9 to Highway 89.,Take Highway 89 South to Highway 64 junction.,Go West on 64 to the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.National Park Service entrance fees applyDriving time is approximately 5 hours; 259 miles GRAN CANYON VILLAGE és környéke SATELITE térképen . Plan Your Trip:The Grand Canyon is a seasonal wonder offering an abundance of activities for all ages and interests! Spring comes late at the Canyon but theres no mistaking its arrival. Almost overnight a rainbow of wildflowers appear

to greet the season. Summer is the most popular time to visit the Canyon with mule rides and motorcoach tours running continuously. And, winter in the Grand Canyon provides a fairytale setting for the holidays.Keep in mind that the Grand Canyon is heavily visited for most of the year (averaging over 4 million visitors a year) and it is imperative to plan ahead for lodging, camping, backcountry permits, or mule trips.The park is busiest during spring, summer, and fall months. To avoid the crowds, the best time to visit is November - February Suggested Travel Itineraries to Grand Canyon National Park Not sure how to get the most from your trip to Grand Canyon? We suggest the following itineraries. Suggested Itinerary One: 2 Days, 2 Nights Day One • • • • Arrive at Grand Canyon South Rim. Dinner at a cafeteria (for a quick dinner) or a rim restaurant. See the sunset from rim viewpoint (or take Sunset Tour). Spend the night in a Grand Canyon National Park Lodge. Day Two •

• • • • • • • • • • Walk to the rim for sunrise (or take Sunrise Tour). Breakfast at El Tovar Dining Room. Tour the Visitor Center at Canyon View Information Plaza (take the shuttle or walk). Walk to Mather Point; stroll along rim to Yavapai Observation Station. Walk or take the shuttle to the village, explore Historic Buildings (Pick up Walking Tour Brochure and other information at any lodge transportation desk). Lunch at Bright Angel Restaurant. Take Hermits Rest motorcoach tour (2 hrs). Stroll along the rim for sunset or dine early at the Arizona Room. Dinner at the Arizona Room. Enjoy a National Park Service evening program or simply stargaze at the dark canyon skies. Spend the night in a Grand Canyon National Park Lodge. Day Three • • Breakfast at Bright Angel Restaurant or cafeteria. Last walk along rim before departing. • Visit Imax Theater on way out Highway 64 south or if going out Highway 64 east, stop at Desert View Watchtower for visit and

lunch. Suggested Itinerary Two: 3 Nights, 3 Days Day One • • • • Arrive at Grand Canyon South Rim. Walk to the rim for sunset (or take Sunset Tour). Dinner at Arizona Room. Spend the night in a Grand Canyon National Park Lodge. Day Two • • • • • • • Breakfast at El Tovar Dining Room. Hike along rim trail west to Hermits Rest. Hike out and take the shuttle back, or take the shuttle out and hike back, (you do not have to walk all the way, the shuttle stops at several locations.) Late lunch at Bright Angel Restaurant. Sunset walk or tour at Visitor Center. Pick-up information for tomorrows hike Dinner at a cafeteria or rim restaurant. Enjoy a National Park Service evening program and the night sky. Spend the night in a Grand Canyon National Park Lodge. Day Three • • • • Breakfast at Maswik Lodge. Pick up box lunch (Early!) Hike to Indian Garden and back - or shorter hike on the Bright Angel Trail (Estimated time is 6 hours). Or hike to Cedar Ridge and

back on the Kaibab Trail Dinner at El Tovar Dining Room (reservations recommended). Spend the night in a Grand Canyon National Park Lodge. Day Four • Depart and visit the Imax Theater if going Route 64 south or stop at Desert View Watchtower if going east. Suggested Itinerary 3 3 Nights, 3 Days Day One • • • Arrive at Grand Canyon South Rim. Dinner at a cafeteria or rim restaurant. Spend the night in a Grand Canyon National Park Lodge. Day Two • • • Take Sunrise motorcoach tour, or walk to rim for sunrise. Breakfast at El Tovar Dining Room. Walk along the South Rim; shop for Native American Art at Hopi House, El Tovar. (Pick up Walking Tour brochure.) Tour Mary EJ Colter Buildings and Kolb Studio • • • • • • Lunch at El Tovar Dining Room. Motorcoach tour-Desert View Watchtower (estimated time is 4 hours, round trip). Watch the sunset at rim viewpoint, or take Sunset Tour. Dinner at Arizona Room or El Tovar Dining Room. Enjoy a National Park Service

evening program. Spend the night in a Grand Canyon National Park Lodge. Day Three • • • • • • • • • • Breakfast at Bright Angel Restaurant. Take Hermits Rest tour (estimated time 2 hours), walk along the rim. Lunch at Bright Angel Restaurant. Drive to the airport to take a helicopter or air tour of Grand Canyon. Shop at Tusayan Trading Post on the drive back into the park. Tour the Visitor Center at Canyon View Information Center; walk to Mather Point, 100 yards. Take the shuttle or park at Mather Point. Enjoy the sunset at overlook or Sunset motorcoach tour. Dinner at El Tovar Dining Room. Enjoy stargazing at the dark canyon skies. Overnight at a Grand Canyon National Park Lodge. Day Four • • Enjoy sunrise breakfast at El Tovar. Depart. How to get to the Grand Canyon :Getting here is easier that you might think. You can get to the Grand Canyon South Rim by bus, car, plane or train. Visit our directions and transportation pages for more information.Insider

using the Grand Canyon Railway as an alternative to your automobile when planning your trip to the Grand Canyon. Visit the Grand Canyon Railway for ideas on how to include this fun, historic mode of transportation in your itinerary. Museums, Galleries & Other Sights to See Grand Canyon National Park is home to a number of historical buildings along the South Rim. Today, these buildings house museums, galleries, gift shops and information centers. We encourage you to take the time to visit them. Desert View Watchtower Modeled after ancient ancestral Puebloans watchtowers found in the Four Corners region, the Watchtower is primarily a rest and interpretive area, offering limited food and drink service and a small gift shop. This seventy-foot tower is the highest point on the South Rim and offers stunning 360-degree views of the Painted Desert, the San Francisco Peaks, the Vermilion Cliffs and beyond. The walls of the tower feature murals by Hopi artist Frank Kabotie and you can climb

the stairs to the top for an outstanding view of the Canyon and the surrounding area. The gift shop sells local Native American handicrafts, including jewelry, rugs, and pottery. The Watchtower is located at the eastern end of the Grand Canyon South Rim, approximately 26 miles from Grand Canyon Village. Open year-round; hours vary seasonally Hermits Rest Erected in 1914 for the convenience and comfort of the traveler at Grand Canyon, Hermits Rest offers a far reaching and interesting view of the Canyon.This is a National Historic Landmark and one of many fine examples of Grand Canyon architecture designed by Mary Elizabeth Jane Colter. The main structure contains a snack bar and gift shop featuring traditional gifts, park souvenirs, and Native American handicrafts. Hermits Rest is located at the western end of the Hermit Road, approximately 9 miles west of Grand Canyon Village.Access by shuttle only March 1 through November 30 or yearround by hiking, bicycling or Xanterra bus Hopi

House Opened in 1905 as the first curio shop at the Grand Canyon, Hopi House was designed by renowned architect Mary Elizabeth Jane Colter, one of the first American architects to appreciate the utility and beauty of Native American design. The design of the structure was meant to reflect that of a typical Adobe Pueblo used by the Hopi Indians of old Oraibi. Recently renovated, the Hopi House, a National Historic Landmark, has been offering authentic Native American arts and crafts to visitors for purchase since Fred Harvey opened its doors in 1904. When you visit Hopi House, you will find a large selection of native arts and crafts available for purchase, such as kachina dolls, jewelry, handcrafted Navajo rugs, and authentic Pueblo pottery. The second-floor gallery, which reopened to the public in 1995, offers a variety of museum-quality items. Hopi House is located on the Canyon rim and open year-round. Hours vary seasonally Kolb Studio Once the home of the Kolb brothers, who were

early photographers at Grand Canyon, the Kolb Studio features changing art exhibits displayed in the auditorium throughout the year. Built by brothers Ellsworth and Emery Kolb from 1904 to 1926, Kolb Studio is included in the National Register of Historic Places and operated by Grand Canyon Association. The bookstore and auditorium are open to the public. The studio is located in the Village Historic District, at the Bright Angel trailhead. Open year-round; hours vary seasonally Lookout Studio Lookout Studio was designed in 1914 by Mary Elizabeth Jane Colter as a gift shop and lookout point for the Fred Harvey Company. Perched on the South Rim, it blends exceptionally well with its natural setting. Lookout Studio sells photography and books related to the Grand Canyon, rock and fossil specimens, traditional souvenirs, books and photographic prints. Two lookout points are open in good weather It is located a short walk west of historic Bright Angel Lodge. Open year-round; hours vary

seasonally Tusayan Museum Tusayan Museum features exhibits of Pueblo Indian life at Grand Canyon 800 years ago. A self-guiding trail leads through the adjacent 800-year-old ruin and ranger-led tours are offered daily. The museum is located 3 miles west of Desert View and 22 miles east of the Grand Canyon Village on Desert View Drive. Generally open year-round, but hours vary seasonally and the museum may be closed during inclement weather. Yavapai Geology Museum The museum received a major renovation and is now open featuring updated and new exhibits about the fossil record at Grand Canyon and other interpretive displays. It offers a spectacular panorama of the canyon through large windows. Yavapai Geology Museum is located 5 miles north of the parks south entrance, and is just a short walk from the Grand Canyon Village. Open year-round; hours vary seasonally. Visitor Center at the Canyon View Information Plaza Canyon View Information Center can be reached by riding the free

shuttle bus or walking the short distance from Mather Point. You can not drive to Canyon View Information Plaza This center provides a variety of information about Grand Canyon National Park and what to do once you are at the park. Outdoor exhibits may be viewed anytime (however, the lights at Canyon View Information Plaza are turned off at 9:00 pm). Available facilities include restrooms, pay phones, bookstore and shuttle bus stops. The center is located at Mather Point and open daily year-round (hours vary seasonally). The Canyon rim is only a short stroll away. Az itt kapott térkép és információs anyagok segítségével meg tudják tervezni hogy mi az amit és ahogy megszeretnének nézni . Többféle lehetıségbıl is tudnak választani Mivel egész nap is itt rendelkezésükre áll, sokféle túrából tudnak választani: Helikopteres repülés,vagy kisvonattal vagy busszal a kanyon déli pereme mentén .Vagy akár gyalogosan egy darabig ,vagy öszvérrel is le tudnak menni

a kanyon aljába. Különféle JEEP túrák Rafting túrák információt ott a szállodai recepción vagy a PARK fıbejáratánál kapnak. A közel félmillió hektáros nemzeti parkban a déli perem egész évben nyitva, míg az északi oldal októbertıl május közepéig zárva van. A kanyonhoz vezetı út semmit sem árul el abból, hogy mi vár ránk az utazás végén. A szakemberek hihetetlen körültekintéssel tervezték meg a kilátópontokat és az utak vonalvezetését. Az autóban ülve ritkán pillanthatjuk meg magát a kanyont, csupán egy-egy másodpercre tőnik fel néhány részlet. A parkolókban hagyva az autónkat, gyalogosan közelíthetjük meg a kilátópontokat. Így gyakorlatilag az utolsó tíz lépés során tárul elénk a másfél kilométeres mélység. A kanyon déli partja alacsonyabban fekszik, mint az északi, így innen jobb a kilátás. Az idelátogatók döntı többsége elıször a déli oldalról pillantja meg a közel 450 kilométer hosszú

kanyont, amelynek a legszélesebb részén körülbelül 30 kilométerre van egymástól a két szemközti sziklafal. Nem kell geológusnak lennünk ahhoz, hogy a kanyon felkeltse az érdeklıdésünket a kızetek iránt. A kanyon alján található rétegek a Föld történetének 1,7 milliárd évvel ezelıtti szakaszait fedik fel elıttünk!A kanyon aljába indulók inkább tavasszal vagy ısszel szeretnek túrázni, mivel nyáron megszorulhat odalenn a levegı, és akkor nem ritka a negyven Celsius fok feletti hımérséklet. Nem árt, ha egy teljes napot tervezzünk a levezetı- és egyet a visszaútra Ha kirobbanó kondiban vagyunk, belefér egyetlen napba, de azért vizet vigyünk magunkkal! Akik felfelé jönnek, azoknak van elsıbbségük, tehát egy keskeny ösvényen ık mennek a fal mellett. Tériszonyosok „elınyben". Sajnos a mentıhelikopter méregdrága, Trail of Time The Trail of Time is an interpretive walking timeline that focuses on Grand Canyon vistas

and rocks and invites visitors to ponder, explore, and understand the magnitude of geologic time and the stories encoded by Grand Canyon rock layers and landscapes. The exhibit follows the existing paved rim trail on the South Rim of Grand Canyon between Yavapai Observation Station and Grand Canyon Village and is marked by brass markers every meter, representing one million years of time. Viewing tubes and other interpretive materials help visitors connect the rocks visible in Grand Canyon to their place along the geologic timeline. TELJES TÉRKÉP mely nagyítható letölthetı ezen oldalon : http://www.npsgov/grca/planyourvisit/upload/grca panopdf A DÉLI PEREM keleti része. PAGE –bıl a 64 –s úton jututnk el ide, ez a legszebb útvonal ahaol érdemes minden jelzettm kilátóhelyen megállni . Desert View Drive is a scenic route to the east of Grand Canyon Village on the South Rim which follows the rim for 25 miles (40 km) out to the Desert View Watchtower and East Entrance.

Along the way, six developed canyon viewpoints, four picnic areas, and five unmarked pullouts are accessible with private vehicles, in addition to the Tusayan Ruin and Museum. Coronado Butte A legelsı megállóhely a DESERT VIEW VISITOR CENTER . Desert View (Elevation: 7438 feet / 2267 meters) .A short ¼-mile (½-km) walk leads from the parking area, past historic buildings, to the rim. From Desert View Point you can see the Colorado River make a big bend to the west. Climb the stairs to the top of the watchtower for outstanding views of the canyon.Services include the Visitor Center/ bookstore, on the edge of the parking area, the Watchtower and gift shop, the trading post and snack bar, the marketplace, a service station, campground, and restrooms. Navajo Point (Elevation: 7461 feet / 2275 meters) Just a few minutes west of the Desert View Watchtower, this viewpoint offers a great view of the watchtower as well as panoramic vistas to the west and a view north up the

Colorado River. Navajo Point is the highest overlook on the South Rim - unless one is standing on the top observation deck of the watchtower itself. The top of the tower measures slightly highe Lipan Point(Elevation: 7360 feet / 2243 meters)From this viewpoint can be seen several points of interest. Hance Rapid is one of the many powerful whitewater rapids along the Colorado River. Unkar Delta was once home to ancestral Puebloan people and is the site of active archeological study. The Grand Canyon Supergroup is a unique rock strata at Grand Canyon, visible to this extent from only a few places on the South Rim. Tusayan Ruin and Museum The Tusayan Ruin is the remains of a small ancestral Puebloan village. A relatively flat 01 mile (200 meter) trail wraps around the ruin and offers the opportunity to learn more about the place and the people who once called this home.The Tusayan Museum and Bookstore have displays that help bring the ruin to life. A picnic area and restrooms are

located here Moran Point(Elevation: 7160 feet / 2182 meters)Geology is a prominent feature at any Grand Canyon viewpoint but at Moran Point three main rock groups are clearly visible. The Layered Paleozoic Rocks represent the sedimentary rocks that make up most of the Grand Canyons depth. The Grand Canyon Supergroup represents a significant portion of the canyons geologic record even though it is only in isolated remnants, visible at only a few spots along the rim. The Vishnu Basement Rocks are the oldest at the canyon, consisting of both metamorphic and igneous rock. Grandview Point One of the most beautiful overlooks along the eastern section of the south rim is Grandview Point, among the highest points on the south rim at 7406 feet. Because of the altitude this point receives more moisture and supports more vegetation than other points along the south rim. The formation known as Vishnu Temple is visible in the upper center portion of the picture. Views into the canyon from

either produce the interesting perspective of looking down on mountains.This area is also the trailhead for the Grandview Trail which descends into the canyon. Here, in 1895, one of the first major tourist facilities, the Grandview Hotel, was built by miner Pete Berry. The hotel has long since disappeared, a victim of the arrival of the railroad at the Grand Canyon Village. (Elevation: 7399 feet / 2256 meters) This popular viewpoint offers panoramic views of Grand Canyon from east to west, including several bends of the Colorado River to the east. The historic Grandview Trail begins here. This trail is VERY steep! In the summer much of the trail is in full sun. In the winter ice and snow can make hiking treacherous Always use caution on the Grandview Trail.View to the northeast across the Grand Canyon from Grandview Point on the South Rim. Shows a complete geological cross-section of the Grand Canyon Yaki Point (Elevation: 7262 feet / 2213 meters) Yaki Point is the only viewpoint

on Desert View Drive that is not accessible with a private vehicle. It can be reached using the free Kaibab Rim Route (Orange) Shuttle Bus departing from the Grand Canyon Visitor Center. Yaki Point is a quiet place from which to enjoy sunset or sunrise. Restrooms are located here. Grand Canyon Village Area A developed area experienced by most visitors to the Grand Canyon on the south rim is Grand Canyon Village. This area contains spectacular views of the canyon, trails which descend all the way to the Colorado River or run along the edge of the south rim, and visitors facilities including historic inns, museums, visitors centers, and restaurants. The view below from the rim looks into the canyon from the rim near the El Tovar Hotel. A section of the Bright Angel Trail, running across the Tonto Platform, can be seen in the bottom center of the picture. Lower and drier, the Tonto Platform is covered by desert scrub and some trees along the creek. GRAND CANYON VISITOR CENTRE Mather

Point Mather Point, a short walk from the Visitor Center, parking lots and the shuttle bus transit station is one of the most popular and busiest viewpoints on the South Rim of Grand Canyon. For visitors entering the park on the South Rim, Mather Point is the first place to stop and see the canyon.The views are spectacular and there are many places to look down into and across the canyon. During 2010, many visitor improvements were completed, including: completion of the shuttle bus staging area near the Visitor Center;construction of 250 additional parking spaces;conversion of the shuttle bus stop west of the Visitor Center to picnic pavilions;construction of new picnic areas near Mather Point;construction of restroom facilities on the north end of the new commercial tour vehicle parking lot;removal of the remaining roadway and the parking lot at Mather Point;rehabilitation of the Mather Point overlook including making it more universally accessible;construction of a new shuttle bus

stop at Mather Point;construction of an informal amphitheater on the canyon rim east of Mather Point;construction of a stone "landmark feature" along the primary walkway between the Visitor Center and the canyon rim; andreconstruction of the plaza area between the Visitor Center and Grand Canyon Books and More, including informal interpretive exhibits. LOOKOUT STUDIO VIEW POINT Grand Canyon ingyenes busz útvonal teljes 3 útvonal . South Rim Shuttle Bus Routes Jump to: Hiker Express Shuttle Village Route -- Kaibab Rim Route -- Hermit Road Route This fall, free shuttle buses are operating on three routes. • • • • • • The routes interconnect, but do not overlap. No tickets are required, and bus stops are clearly marked throughout the park by signs. Buses are white with a green stripe. The buses display the route name on the front. Pets are not permitted on buses. Service may be suspended during inclement weather Each shuttle bus is equipped with a 2 or

3-capacity bicycle rack on the front. Bicyclists are required to load and unload their own bikes, and are responsible for bike security. Bicycle one way and ride the shuttle the other. The free shuttle buses take you to places in the park you cannot drive. Park your vehicle in one of the parking areas, proceed to the nearest bus stop, and board the next bus. Information about bus routes is available on the map (that you may download above) and at bus stops. Buses display the route name on the front marquee. It is that simple The buses come by every 15–30 minutes You are free to get on and off at any stop. The routes are designed so you can ride to a stop, enjoy the view, shop at a gift store, or walk along the rim and then hop on a later shuttle. Village Route 50 minutes round trip Village Route bus stop below the El Tovar Hotel. Buses provide transportation between: Visitor Center, Bookstore and Plaza, Market Plaza:General Store, Bank, Post Office Historic District:lodges,

restaurants, gift shops Campgrounds, parking lots,ranger programs, and other facilities in the Village area. 50 Minutes Round-trip (without getting off the bus) This is not a scenic route, but rim views are available a short walk from some stops. Sept., Oct, and Nov Buses run every: 30 minutes: 5:00 a.m - 6:30 am 15 minutes: 6:30 a.m - 7:30 pm 30 minutes: 7:30 p.m - 10:00 pm Kaibab/Rim Route 50 minutes round trip Buses provide transportation between Grand Canyon Visitor Center, South Kaibab Trailhead, Yaki Point, Pipe Creek Vista, Mather Point, and Yavapai Geology Museum. This is the shortest scenic route and the only access to Yaki Point, the South Kaibab Trailhead and the Yavapai Geology Museum. Kaibab/Rim Shuttle Bus at the Yaki Point Stop Bright Angel Trail Group Hiking (6000 x 3393) While the South Kaibab Trail follows a ridge line, the Bright Angel Trail follows the head of a side canyon. Views on the Bright Angel Trail are framed by massive cliffs, and by virtue of being a

shadier trail with natural water sources, there is more plant life and animal life along the Bright Angel Trail than on the South Kaibab Trail. These features make the Bright Angel Trail appealing to those interested in geology and in viewing wildlife. The majority of this trail’s elevation change takes place in the upper four miles of trail via a series of switchbacks that can seem endless. Be sure to utilize the resthouses and seasonal water sources along the way (there are composting toilets at Mile-and-a-Half Resthouse, but no toilets at Three-Mile Resthouse). Whether ascending or descending, it is worthwhile to take breaks regularly. Approaching Indian Garden, the trail flattens out considerably as it crosses the shaley and desolate Tonto Platform. 50 Minutes Round-trip(without getting off the bus) Sept., Oct, and Nov buses run every: 30 minutes: 5:00 a.m - 6:30 am15 minutes: 6:30 am to one hour after sunset Hermit Road Route (Red) 75 minutes round tripFrom March 1 through

November 30, the Hermit Road is closed to private vehicles.Shuttle buses provide transportation between the Village Route Transfer Station and Hermits Rest (7 miles/ 11 km) with stops at nine canyon overlooks. Last Stop: Hermits Rest .During the return trip, buses stop only at 4 stops: Hermits Rest, Pima, Mohave, and Powell Points.80 Minutes Round-trip(without getting off the bus) Sept, Oct, and Nov buses run every:30 minutes: 5:00 a.m to 7:30 am15 minutes: 7:30 am to one hour after sunset.The newly improved Hermit Road has some of the best Grand Canyon views that you can see anywhere. Hermit Road is a scenic route along the west end of Grand Canyon Village on the South Rim which follows the rim for 7 miles (11 km) out to Hermits Rest. This extremely popular route is accessed by free park shuttle bus, foot, bicycle, or commercial bus tour most of the year, with private vehicles allowed only during winter months of December, January and February. Along the rim are nine designated

viewpoints where the free Hermits Rest Route shuttle bus stops. The Rim Trail also follows the rim of the canyon for 7.8 miles (126 km) along Hermit Road and offers the opportunity for short or long walks between viewpoints on both paved and dirt trails. Buses (red line) provide transportation between the Village Route Transfer and Hermits Rest (7 miles, 11 km) with stops at 9 canyon overlooks. (Shuttles are in service between March 1 – November 30) Buses stop only at Hermits Rest, Pima, Mojave, and Powell Points on return. Hermits Rest Route is a 75 minute round-trip ride (without getting off the bus) NYUGATI IRÁNYBAN bejárva /csak buszszal lehet nyári idıszakban : West Rim Drive (South Rim)Some of the most beautiful views of the canyon can be seen from the south rim east of the Grand Canyon Village area. West Rim Drive (originally known as Hermit Rim Road) runs for about 8 miles from the South Entrance Road to Hermits Rest. The road was originally built in 1912 by the Santa Fe

Company, and was rebuilt in 1919 by the National Park Service and renamed. The rim drive is closed to private traffic in the summer but is served by shuttles and a trail system. For many park visitors Mather Point provides the first view of the magnificent view of the canyon itself. This is because the road from the south entrance leads directly to this overview.The point is named for Stephen T. Mather, the first director of the National Park Service In the picture below a group of visitors can be seen standing on the railed viewing area at Mather Overlook. The startling thing about the visitors first view of the canyon is how suddenly it appears. Driving across the flat Coconino Plateau south of the rim provides little preparation for the first view of the massive gash in the earth which is like nothing any first time visitor has ever seen before, anywhere. An example of that "first view" from Mather Overlook can be seen in the photograph below. A következı képek a

jelzett kilátóhelyeken való látványosságokat mutatják : Yavapai point MARICOPA POINT HOPI POINT Colorado River : Great architect of the Grand Canyon, the Colorado River is the second longest river in the United States. Arising 5 or 6 miles west of Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park in the Colorado Rockies, and its great tributary the Green River in the Wind River Range in Wyoming, it drains 240,000 square miles, 1/12 of the United States. Through the canyon the river averages about 50 feet in depth--the deepest point is 110 feet--and the width varies from about 200 to 300 feet.The view below is telephoto shot from the rim at Hopi Point.The river is known for the great rapids which any traveler on the river would encounter. The Indians of the area had been afraid of the river, believing it contained steep waterfalls. Although James White may have floated down the river 2 years before him, the first person to complete a documented trip down the river was John Wesley

Powell. On May 24, 1869 Powell and a group of adventurers put 4 wooden boats featuring water tight compartments into the Green River and begun their trip. After a passage of several months, Powell and his colleagues emerged from the canyon successfully, minus one person who left the trip early and three others who climbed out of the canyon, only to be killed by Indians. Powell and his fellow adventurers spent 98 days in total and 24 days running through the canyon itself.For many years floating the river through the canyon was a dangerous and rare adventure. However, commercial river runs were begun in 1938. And, by 1972, so many people were making the trip each year (16,432!) that the National Park Service began to limit the number of trips available. The view below shows the river from Mohave Point and features Granite Rapids. MOHAVE POINT . Historically, the flow of water through the canyon varied considerably at different times. However, the Colorado was dammed upriver from the

canyon in 1965, and the flow of the river is now carefully regulated. This dam has drastically changed the ecology of the canyon Before establishment of the dam river flow ranged from about 100 to 325,00 cubic feet per second, but its less variable with a median of about 12,200.The effects of the dam on the ecology of river have been extensive The water is considerably cooler than before construction, and the fish living in the river have suffered as a result. There has been an increase both in the cold water trout living in the river, and the eagles which feed on them.The amount of silt carved by the river has diminished a great deal, and as a result the color of the rivers water has changed and it can no longer move large rocks as it once could. Its no longer often the Rio Colorado--Red River. The rapids in the canyon are still amazing The Colorado drops some 2000 during its descent through the canyon, and there are over 70 major rapids (and 161 rapids in all). The water flows

through these rapids as quickly as 10 miles per hourAnother view of Granite Rapids (below) can be gleaned from Pima Point. This is the point at which Monument Creek flows into the Colorado just above the rapids. The rapids has been formed by boulders and other coarse material dumped into the canyon from Monument Canyon on the side, which is typical of the formation of many rapids. In 1984 a debris flow carried 300,00 cubic feet of sediment into the channelThe stretch of violent white water can be easily seen in this photograph. From afar the river looks green, but up close it is clear as glass. Pima Point1.1 miles, 18 km west from here to Hermits Rest on paved trail17 miles, 27 km east from here to Monument Creek Vista on paved trail Pima Point is one of the best places on the rim to see and sometimes hear the river. The splash and grind of Granite Rapids below can be heard echoing up the canyon walls on quiet days. The Greenway Trail continues from here to Hermits Rest, allowing

bicyclists and visitors using wheelchairs to share the path with pedestrians. The "end of the road" for the West Rim Drive is Hermits Rest. This location is named for the "hermit"-Louis D Boucher who came to the canyon in 1891 and operated a copper mine and tourist campThis view north looks out across the side canyon through which Hermit Creek flows. The promontory on the left side of the picture is Yuma Point, reached only by a hike along Boucher trail. The Grand Canyon itself actually continues for another 180 miles to the west of this point. HERMIT POINT Tusayan Route 40 minutes round trip: May- September, , a part of Grand Canyon National Parks visitor transportation system on the South Rim, provided "park & ride" shuttle bus service between the gateway community of Tusayan and Grand Canyon National Park. (7 miles/11km south of the S Rim village)20 minutes each way (riding time; no stop)Buses run every 15 minutes:First bus left Tusayan 8:00

a.mFirst bus left Grand Canyon Visitor Center at 8:40 amLast buses left from both areas at 9:30 p.mVisitors entering the park from Tusayan via the shuttle bus must present a valid park entrance pass. Entrance passes may be purchased at park entrances INYGYENES BUSZ útvonalak keleti irányban . GRAND CANYON SKY WALK : Commissioned and owned by the Hualapai Indian tribe, it was unveiled March 20, 2007, and opened to the general public on March 28, 2007. It is accessed via the Grand Canyon West Airport terminal or a 120-mile (190 km) drive from Las Vegas, which includes a 10-mile (16 km) stretch of dirt road which is currently under development. The Skywalk is east of Meadview and north of Peach Springs with Kingman being the closest major city. Grand Canyon üvegterasz : SKYWALK: Ez a CANYON legújabb látványosasága mely igaz nem alegszebb részen tallhataó hiszen kb . féluton van LAS VEGAS –HOOVER DAM és a GRAND CANYON VILLAGE- TUSCAYAN között .Nema legkönyebb

megközelíteni elégé eldugott utakon kell menni és ráadásul az utolsó részen egy kb 10 km –n még nincs lebetonozva habár hamarosan kész lesz . Ettıl függetlenül mindenki arra jár, turista buszok is tehát nem lehet eltévedeni – biztonságosan járható ,kivéve ha erre külön táblák hiívják fel a figyelmet . Grand Canyon felıl . PEACH SPRINGS- irányába Innen kb70 Miles ami 180 km még az út Ahogy mennek nyugati irányban a régi 66-s úton Kingman irányába menjenek rá jobbra a Diamond Creek Rd utáni legelsı leágazásnál jobbra amia DIAMOND BAR RD. felé visz Ez az út Diamond Bar Road / CR-261 majd beletorkollik a Buck And Doe Road –ba / CR-7 4.3 miles Grand Canyon West Airport Itt található a HÍRES SKYWALK ! Grand Canyon Skywalk . 2007–ben adták ezt a GRAND CANYON FELETT TÖBBMINT 350 m magasan függő „ ACÉL ÉS ÜVEG rálátót amely lehetővé teszi hogy kb. egy 21 m es U alakú sétát tegyünk mint egy „ lebegve „a felhők

magasságában a több tonnát is kibíró átlátszó üvegablakokon . Igazán megéri a borsos belépőjegy is ha LÉLEGZETELÁLLÍTÓ látványban akarunk részesedni . LAS VEGAS felé : Ezután 190 km innen LAS VEGAS ,a Pierce Ferry Roadon nyugati irányban térnek rá DOLAN SPRINGS után a 93-s útra .Itt jobbra fordulva Boulder City irányába mennek . Elıtte kelnek át a COLORADO folyó feletti gáton a VILÁGHÍRŐ HOOVER DAM – nél. Itt is érdemes megállni egy rövid csodálkozásra az 1930 –s évek közepén építették a Gazdasági világválság egyik legnagyobb beruházása. Közel 220 magas és mintegy 380 m hosszú A Colorado folyó felduzzasztott vize a LAKE MEAD víztárolóban 2,5 Millióm3 vizet tárol. Ez alázúdulva 17 turbinán át közel 4,2 billió kwh –t termel. 2010-ben délre tıle adták át az új impozáns hidat mely a 40 km-re lévı Las Vegas felé vezet 1220 méteres mélységbe nézhetnek le a látogatók arról az üvegteraszról,

amelyet az amerikai Grand Canyon peremére épített egy helyi indián törzs. A Colorado folyó,1220 méter mélységben folyik az "üveghíd" alatt.400%-os biztonságra tervezték, terhelése 71 Boeing 747 súlyának felel meg (32200000 kg ) és 160km/ó szélsebesség mellett a 8.0-as erısségő földrengésnek is ellen áll! Buzz Aldrin veterán őrhajóst kérték fel arra, hogy elsıként lépjen a Skywalk, vagyis őrséta nevő szerkezetre.Az indiánok kíséretében Aldrin ki is lépett a több mint egy kilométeres mélység fölé "Azért ez nem olyan, mint egy igazi őrséta. Viszont olyan tökéletesen áttetszı üvegen álltam, hogy valóban azt hittem, a levegıbıl nézem a Grand Canyont" - mondta késıbb az őrhajós.Nem is merték sokan követni példáját, a ceremónia után csak egy-két turista sétált végig a patkó alakú szerkezeten, amely húsz méterre nyúlik ki a canyon peremérıl. Így kezdıdött az építés három évvel

ezelıtt. Egy Las Vegas-i üzletember 40 millió dollárt ajánlott fel az ualapaj indiánoknak cserébe a várható profitért. Az ötszáz tonnás acélszerkezetet szinte centiméterenként tolták ki a szakadék fölé, majd ellensúlyokkal visszahúzták a sziklába fúrt 15 méteres vájatokba."Fájt a szívem, amikor láttam, hogy megváltozik a kanyon képe De aztán arra gondoltam, a népemnek munkát és pénzt hoz ez a vasdarab" - mondta a törzs elöljárója. A turistáknak igyanis 25 dollárt kell majd fizetniük az őrséta élményért a Grand Canyonban. LAS –VEGAS – HOOVER DAM : COLORADO folyó feletti gáton a VILÁGHÍRŐ HOOVER DAM –nél. Itt is érdemes megállni egy rövid csodálkozásra . az 1930 –s évek közepén építették a Gazdasági világválság egyik legnagyobb beruházása. Közel 220 magas és mintegy 380 m hosszú A Colorado folyó felduzzasztott vize a LAKE MEAD víztárolóban 2,5 Millióm3 vizet tárol. Ez

alázúdulva 17 turbinán át közel 4,2 billió kwh –t termel. 2010-ben délre tıle adták át az új impozáns hidat mely a 40 km-re lévı Las Vegas felé vezet SOUTH CANYON GRAND CANYON NORTH RIM - A KANYON ÉSZAKI PEREME : Kanab központjából, a WEST CENTER útról jobbra lekanyarodik a régi A89–s.út ,ezen eljutnak a 67–s úton GRAND CANYON északi pereméig ami nem annyira látványos mint a déli ,de azért megéri. Innen vissza kell menni a 67–s úton egészen Jacob Lake–ig, majd az A89 –s tovább keleti irányban a MARBLE CANYON-hoz jutnak el, ahol át tudnak kelni a COLORADO feletti hídon, majd itt érik el az US 89–s utat amelyen balra – észak felé fordulva jutnak be PAGE-be, Toroweap/Tuweep Area The View from Toroweap Overlook, 3000 vertical feet above the Colorado River, is breathtaking; the sheer drop, dramatic! Equally impressive are the volcanic features, cinder cones and lava flows, which make this viewpoint unique in Grand Canyon

National Park. Renowned Lava Falls Rapid is just downriver and can easily be seen and heard from the overlook.Toroweap, a Paiute term meaning "dry or barren valley," refers to many local features, including the geologic formation and fault, the valley, and the overlook. Tuweep came into use to describe the local white settlement and later the park district. Tuweep in Paiute refers to "the earth," but this place name may be derived from a longer Paiute word meaning "long valley." visit to this area can be challenging, but rewarding. Since the National Park Service manages the area for its primitive values, improvements and services are minimal. Getting ThereThe Bureau of Land Management Arizona Strip Visitor Maps are sold at the Arizona Strip Information Center in St. George, Utah, at nearby Pipe Spring National Monument, and at the Kaibab National Forest office in Fredonia, Arizona.The area can be reached from Arizona Highway 389 near Fredonia or Colorado

City, Arizona, or from St. George, Utah • • • • Sunshine Route (BLM road #109), the primary access route, leaves Highway 389 about seven miles/12km west of Fredonia. (6 miles east of Pipe Springs NM) It is 61 miles /100 km long and is the most reliable route, but is subject to washboarding and dust. Clayhole Route (BLM Road #5) leaves Highway 389 at Colorado City. It is also about 60 miles /100 km long, but may be impassable when wet. Main Street Route (BLM Roads #1069 and #5) from St. George is about 90 miles/145 km long and is the most scenic route. It may be impassable in winter due to snow on the slopes of Mt. Trumbull Winter Travel December through March these roads, including the main Sunshine Route, become muddy and impassable when covered by melting snow. Travel may be possible when the road surface freezes at low temperatures (below 20°F /-7°C) but roads become impassible again as the temperature rises. During the winter, roads often are passible only between 4:00

a.m and 8:00 am, if at all Road Conditions All routes are secondary county roads, graded occasionally, and generally in fair condition. Dust wallows several feet deep may appear during dry periods. The last three miles across the slickrock are the roughest, requiring a high clearance vehicle (above right). Allow two to three hours travel time from the highway to the overlook. RVs, trailers, or low-clearance vehicles are not recommended All routes may be impassable after heavy rains and are subject to flash flooding. Twenty-five percent of visitors experience one or more flat tires. Dangerous curves are often unmarked, and posted mileages may be inaccurate. Cell phone coverage is spotty or nonexistent in this area Since there are few, if any, yearround residents, assistance is not guaranteed on any route For these reasons, no one should attempt the trip without ample preparation and knowledge of the hazards associated with remote desert travel. Travelers should carry:• Extra

water, food, and gasoline;• Good tires including at least one usable spare;• and parts, tools, and knowledge to handle vehicle and tire repairs including tire plugs and a portable air compressor.A tow costs $1,000 – $2,000 Grand Canyon NP North Rim View Up The Transept (3548 x 928) View from the Widfross Trail. From this point, you are standing at the head of The Transept which takes on truly grand proportions as it carves into the plateau. Far below you its gravel bed reveals the main course of erosion. More than likely you will not see water flowing in its bed; these streams flow only during times of heavy rain or flash floods. Yet the canyons they carve are nearly as deep as the Colorado River itself. Time and the massive amount of water that comes from infrequent but powerful floods carve these tributary canyons. In the six-million-year history of Grand Canyon there must have been thousands of floods the likes of which we might see only once in a thousand years. COLORADO

RIVER RAFTING Smoothwater Raft Tours This tour includes transportation from the Grand Canyon South Rim to Glen Canyon Dam (Lake Powell), just outside Page, Arizona.Your raft adventure will begin on the Colorado River at the base of the Glen Canyon Dam. With the dam soaring 583 feet above, you will board a motorized pontoon raft for your 15 mile journey down a calm stretch of the Colorado River.Raft through one of the most beautiful parts of the Western United States. As you follow the route of Major John Wesley Powell through Glen Canyon, your tour guide will tell the story of the areas soaring sandstone cliffs, crystal blue-green waters, and abundant wildlife.See ancient petroglyphs while taking a break on the bank of the river. Take another break to enjoy a sandwich buffet on a sandy beach The river portion of the trip ends at historic Lees Ferry. You will then be returned to the South Rim in the late afternoon/early evening.This trip operates seasonally and is an all-day

adventure that lasts approximately 12 hours This tour includes ground transportation (motorcoach, minibus or comfortable van) between the Grand Canyon South Rim and Glen Canyon Dam for $194 per adult and $174 for children age 4 to 11. (Children under age 4 are not permitted on this trip.) Canyon River Adventure Your day will begin with a 5:15 am boarding at the Bright Angel or Maswik Lodge and transfer to Grand Canyon airport. You will then board a fixed wing aircraft and fly over portions of the Grand Canyon and Glen Canyon. Before landing in Page, enjoy the views of Lake Powell and the enormous Glen Canyon Dam. After landing you will enjoy a boxed breakfast and then join a guided tour of Antelope Canyon in a 4-wheel drive vehicle. Be ready to take incredible photographs of the slot canyons here. You will then be brought to the base of Glen Canyon Dam where you will meet up with other guests arriving from the Grand Canyon South Rim via ground transportation.With the dam soaring 583

feet above, you will board a motorized pontoon raft for your 15 mile journey down a calm stretch of the Colorado River.Raft through one of the most beautiful parts of the Western United States. As you follow the route of Major John Wesley Powell through Glen Canyon, your tour guide will tell the story of the areas soaring sandstone cliffs, crystal blue-green waters and abundant wildlife.See ancient Petroglyphs while taking a break on the bank of the river Take another break to enjoy a boxed lunch on a sandy beach. The river portion of the trip ends at historic Lees Ferry Youw ill then be returned th the South Rim in the late afternoon / early evening.This trip operates seasonally and is an all-day adventure the lasts approximately 13 hours. The Canyon River Adventure includes the air tour to Page, AZ, transfer and walking tour of Antelope Slot Canyon, transfer and rafting, plus ground transportation (motorcoach, minibus or comfortable van) back to the Grand Canyon South Rim. These

tours are $383 per adult and $363 for children age 4 to 11 (children under 4 are not permitted on this trip.) Boats Passing Below Marble Canyon Navajo Bridges Those traveling across the country on Highway 89A between Bitter Springs and Jacob Lake AZ arrive at two bridges similar in appearance spanning the Colorado River. These two bridges, one historic and one new, represent one of only seven land crossings of the Colorado River for 750 miles (1207 km). The historic bridge now serves as a pedestrian bridge and provides visitors with a breathtaking view of the Colorado River 467 feet (142m) below. Grand Canyon: Mouth of Havasu Creek (4726 x 4983) The confluence of Havasu Creek with the Colorado River (river mile 157) is a popular place for boaters to stop and admire the striking blue-green water of Havasu Creek. The turquoise color is caused by water with a high mineral content. At the point where the blue creek meets the turbid colorado river there often appears a definite break.

NPS photo by Erin Whittaker . Camping is not allowed from 100 yards upriver of Havasu Creek to 0.5 miles downriver of Havasu Creek. The Park Service boundary with Havasupai Tribal Land is at the Havasu Creek / Beaver Creek confluence. People planning on hiking upstream (south) of this point are expected to pay access fees to the Havasupai Tribe. One can pay these fees in advance or make reservations within Havasu Campground by calling the Havasupai Indian Tribe